June 06 2022

Somerville Armory Master Plan Advisory Committee

Meeting 1: June 6, 2022 - In person, public forum. The Committee helped consultants/staff establish a vision of success for the Armory and identify the issues that will be addressed as part of the planning study.

September 12 2022

Somerville Armory Master Plan Advisory Committee

Meeting 2: September 12, 2022 - Virtual. The Committee reviewed research work done to date by the City's planning consultant (Create Today), conducted Empathy Map exercises, advised on upcoming Case Study research and reviewed the project schedule.

January 12 2023

Somerville Armory Master Plan Advisory Committee

Virtual. The Master Plan Advisory Committee will review draft case study research and discuss recommendations for focus group outreach.

May 01 2023

Somerville Armory Master Plan Advisory Committee

Virtual. The Master Plan Advisory Committee will review themes and findings from focus group outreach, and approve strategic recommendations and definition of success for the Master Plan.