Fall Work Update
We spent the months of September, October, and November talking to residents on Glen and Otis Street, parents and students at the East Somerville Community and Capuano Schools, and members of local community groups. We engaged with community members, door-to-door canvassing, tabling events at the Somerville Public Library, talking to teens at Teen Empowerment, walking with the Somerville Pedestrian & Transit Advisory Committee, and hosting a Hot Cider Social at the East Somerville Community School. Over this time, we talked to and got feedback from over 60 people. If you didn’t get to talk to us, you still can! Email us at somerville@neighborways.com.

We completed observational and video data collection on the current use patterns at four locations on Glen and Otis Streets from August through October. We studied the street during weekdays and weekends multiple times a day to understand how people are using the street. This data will help us create designs that make the streets safer.

We are now taking what we learned and drafting up design options for the streets. We plan to share these for public feedback in early 2024.