Powder House Blvd. Preliminary Paving - 7/6 or Soon After
Over recent months, City contractors have been working on improvements to drainage and sewer infrastructure along Alewife Brook Pkwy. and Powder House Blvd. Drainage and sewer work will continue along Alewife Brook Pkwy. over the coming weeks.
Preliminary Paving on Powder House Blvd.
Underground utility work is substantially complete along Powder House Blvd. City contractors will be performing preliminary paving between North St. and Alewife Brook Pkwy. on Thursday, July 6 (weather permitting).
July 6 - Paving Impacts
- On-street parking will be restricted during construction. Please observe posted signage.
- Periodic road closure during paving.
- Access will be maintained for residents.
- Access to your driveway may be temporarily restricted.
- Onsite crews are available to help you get in and out of your driveway if needed.
- Trash/recycling pick-ups and deliveries will not be affected.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience as we work to create safer roadway conditions for all users and upgrade aging underground infrastructure.
If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.