UPDATE: Planting moved to rain date 10/22
We are thrilled that planting day is approaching, but there is rain in the forecast for this weekend. We have decided to move planting day to Sunday, October 22nd (10-3pm) as it looks like less of a chance of rain.
If you signed up to plant, you should have heard from us at this point. Either you would have been assigned a shift, based on your Sunday availability, or you would have been alerted to being on the waitlist. We received so much interest and while we have a lot of plants to plant, we don't have room for everyone. If this is the case for you, or if you did not sign up but wish you had, don't worry! We'll be looking for people to help care for these plants in the next 2-3 years. We will reach out to everyone who filled out the shift sign-up sheet in the coming weeks to determine a weeding and care crew for the spring.
You are also ALL welcome to swing by and see the project in action. We'll be there from 10-3pm and would love to see you too!
Thank you for all your support.