Draft OSRP Posted for Public Comment
Greetings! We have posted a draft version of the full Open Space & Recreation Plan (OSRP) to the "Documents" tab of this page for public comment. You can also find it by clicking here.
We’d love to hear your comments and feedback before February 12th, 2025. You are welcome to email us (amaurer@somervillema.gov) or you can log your comments under the “Questions & Comments” tab.
This is a very large document, we know! The State has strict guidelines about what needs to be included (you can find out more about them here), so it covers everything from Somerville history, to river water quality, to climate change vulnerability, to recreational programs. If you don't want to read it all, look at the table of contents on page 2 for areas of particular interest.
Here are a few sections you might want to check out:
- Section 1 – a summary of the plan’s major themes.
- Sections 2 and 6 – descriptions of public engagement efforts.
- Section 10 – a summary of survey and community meeting comments.
- Section 7 – an analysis of community needs based on public feedback.
- Sections 8 and 9 – the overarching goals and more specific action items that emerged from public feedback and stakeholder conversations to guide City staff and community partners for the next 7 years.
- Appendix C: Parks Prioritization Matrix – the method we used to develop a list of parks that are high on the priority list for upgrades and renovations (in Section 9).
We heard from over 750 Somerville residents in addition to City staff, committee members, and stakeholders! The OSRP attempts to integrate as many comments as possible and speaks to patterns we see in all that feedback. We couldn't have done this without your input.
Thank you for taking the time to share what matters to you.