There is still time to share your comments!

Hello all,
While we have closed to survey and completed our public meetings, there are still ways you can make your voice heard.
1) Open this document that summarizes our findings and tell us if you agree or disagree: OSRP Virtual Community Visioning Session Slides (Jan 25th) . Did we miss something? Are we spot on?
2) Look out for the draft version of the plan. We will accept comments from the public for a couple weeks after it goes live. That will help us make final edits.
3) Sign up to receive updates on the project on this page under "Stay Informed." We'll let you know when the draft plan is ready for comments.
4) You can share a comment or question on this webpage by going to the "Questions & Comments" tab just above this article.
5) Or, email us directly: We would love to hear what you need/want from our open spaces and recreational programs!
Thanks for sharing what matters to you. It matters to us!