Early Fall '24 - Project Update

Work to transform how roughly 60% of the city’s stormwater drainage is managed continues at 10 Poplar Street and on nearby streets.

Crews are working simultaneously to construct the 4-million-gallon stormwater stormwater storage tank at the 10 Poplar site and install associated utilities along Linwood and Poplar Street that connect the City’s system to the MBTA’s drainage system underneath the Green Line Extension.

10 Poplar Street Site Work - Progress on the Stormwater Storage Tank

As of October, the stormwater storage tank is roughly 50% complete. Following installation of the tank’s 1200+ cubic yard concrete base in July, City contractors have been working to complete installation of the tank’s walls. Once walls are complete, crews will install the tank’s concrete slab roof.

We currently expect construction of the tank could be substantially complete by the end of 2024, after which point crews will turn their attention to construction of the pump station.

Work at the 10 Poplar Street site is expected to continue through the winter.

Utility Installation on Linwood Street and Poplar Street

Crews have been working over recent months to complete installation of the force main through which stormwater from the pump station will be transported to the MBTA’s drainage system underneath the green line extension tracks. Weather permitting, force main installation is expected to be complete in approximately 2 weeks.

Following installation of the force main, crews will work to reinstall water mains that were temporarily relocated to facilitate work on the force main.

Utility work on Linwood Street and Poplar Street will continue through the fall, as weather permits. Crews will then pause for the winter and resume in the spring.

Temporary parking restrictions and regular detours will continue to be in place to facilitate this work.


If you have questions about this work, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.

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