Subsurface Utility Work on Linwood St., Begins 10/30 or Soon After
City contractors will begin installation of underground utilities within the roadways around the Brickbottom neighborhood starting October 30th or soon after.
Linwood Street will be closed between Poplar Street and McGrath Highway beginning October 30th for approximately two months.
Access will be maintained for abutters
Northbound traffic on Linwood St. will be detoured via McGrath Hwy or Joy St.
Please observe posted signage and proceed with caution
Anticipated Schedule (subject to change):
Approximate duration of this phase of work is two months.
Work hours are weekdays between approximately 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Construction Impacts:
Parking restrictions will be in place around work zones
Please observe posted signage
Elevated noise levels during work hours
Periodic trucking of materials in and out of the work zone
If you have questions, please email or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.