August Construction Update
As we prepare to pave the second stretch of Highland Avenue (School Street to Benton Road), work continues elsewhere in the neighborhood. (See subsequent update for more on Highland Ave. paving plans).
More information about ongoing/remaining work can be found below.
If you have questions, please email or call the Engineering Division 617-625-6600 ext. 5400.
Underground Utility Improvements
Over the coming weeks, City contractors will finish work on utility upgrades on lower Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.).
Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.) - Installation of new sewer, drainage, and water utilities is complete.
Crews are now working to install the final remaining water services (connections between individual properties and the new water main) between Bow and School Streets. This work is expected to be completed within 2-3 weeks.
This work is the final piece of major subsurface utility improvements within the project. Following completion of utility improvements, crews will begin preliminary work to restore and improve the streetscape on lower Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.)
Streetscape Construction Activities
Central Street (Summer St. to Highland Ave.) - Crews are actively working to build new sidewalks and cycle tracks along the new one-way (northbound toward Highland Avenue) Central Street. This work is expected to continue through the fall.
Crews are finishing installation of new sidewalks on the east side of the street and setting new curb on the west side. Construction of new cycle tracks with cobble buffers is also underway.
Installation of new raised crossings at the intersections of Central Street/Oxford Street and Central Street/Berkeley Street is expected to take place in the next 1-2 weeks.
School Street (Highland Ave to Summer Street) - Final paving on School Street is expected to take place later this year. Residents will be notified via flyer and city alert.
Summer Street (School St. to Spring St.) - Final streetscape improvements are underway on Summer Street ahead of final paving later this fall (notification will be provided ahead of paving).
Traffic signal work at the intersections of Summer Street/School Street and Summer Street/Central is currently underway.
Westbound bike lane - The bike lane has been paved, but remains closed until pavement markings are installed. This work is expected to take place in the coming weeks.
Schedule and Construction Impacts
Work hours for both streetscape and utility activities are weekdays 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. All work is weather dependent and schedules are subject to change.
Traffic Management - Temporary detours and street closures will be required during work hours.
Access will be maintained for residents at all times.
If access to your home is temporarily blocked, on-site crews are available to assist by moving signage, equipment, temporary plating trenches, etc.
Any temporary restrictions to driveway access will be communicated to individual properties by contractors in advance.
Parking Restrictions - On-street parking may be temporarily restricted around work zones during construction.
Please observe posted signage.
Have questions?
If you have questions, please email or call the Engineering Division 617-625-6600 ext. 5400.