Highland Avenue (McGrath Highway to Benton Road) - Interim Partial Paving Preparations Underway

Update 7/3: Weather permitting, paving of Highland Avenue (mobilization #1 - McGrath Highway to School Street) will take place overnight on Wednesday (7/10) beginning at approximately 8 p.m., and ending at approximately 7 a.m. on Thursday (7/11)

More details including a full detour map will be available shortly and posted on this page.

City contractors will be paving the two travel lanes of the roadway (approximately 28-feet wide) along Highland Avenue between McGrath Highway and Benton Road.

This partial paving, which does not include the parking areas next to the curbs, is intended to restore the road surface travel areas. This is an interim measure to support safe travel for all users of the road until the full redesign and reconstruction of Highland Avenue.

Preparations for paving are currently underway. A description of operations and our anticipated scheduled is included below.

Paving Plan

Contractors will be paving this segment of Highland Avenue in two mobilizations.

  • Mobilization 1 - Highland Avenue between McGrath Highway and School Street. ‘

  • Mobilization 2 - Highland Avenue between School Street and Benton Road

Paving Schedule

Each mobilization will involve two phases of work:

  • Preparing for paving

    • milling (removing the top few layers of asphalt) of the roadway and installing temporary asphalt

    • adjusting castings (raising/lower the coverings/tops of inground utility access points such as manhole covers)

  • Paving

    • Installing a new roadway surface (two travel lanes of the roadway, approximately 28-feet wide)

Mobilization #1 (McGrath to School) Schedule

  • Preparation for paving - Beginning week of 6/24 and continuing through early July

  • Paving

    • Expected to take place mid-July;

      • additional notification and information will be provided to the neighborhood once date is confirmed

    • Paving is not expected to take more than 1-2 days.

Mobilization #2 (School to Benton) Schedule

  • Currently expected to take place later this summer, upon completion of Eversource’s Gas Main Upgrade project on Highland Avenue (Central St. to School St.)

    • Additional notification will be provided prior to this mobilization.

If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.

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