Summer Street and Central Street Update - Week 11/18
Crews will continue working on streetscape restoration/improvements on both Summer Street and Central Street over the coming weeks, as weather allows, prior to breaking for the winter season.
Summer Street (School Street to ~Spring Street)
- Final signage and pavement markings installation - This work is currently underway and includes painting of the westbound bike (exact date of bike painting tbd).
Summer Street (School Street to Bow Street)
- Sidewalk construction - City contractors are continuing to work on sidewalks on the southern side (even-numbered side) of the street and have installed new concrete from approximately School Street to Quincy Street. They will continue moving eastward toward Bow Street, as weather allows.
- Raising Castings in Roadway - Crews will raise castings (manhole covers and other in ground structures) to be flush with the current roadway surface
- Weather permitting this work is expected to begin on Monday 11/18. Once underway we expect it will take ~2-3 days to complete.
- Block-by-block temporary streets closures will be required during some phases of this work.
- This work is to help facilitate snow plowing on the street over the winter.
- Weather permitting this work is expected to begin on Monday 11/18. Once underway we expect it will take ~2-3 days to complete.
- Sewer, Drain, and Water Main Video Inspections - City contractors will also be performing video inspections of new underground utilities
- This work is expected to begin 11/24 and continue up to the Thanksgiving holiday
- Pipe inspection does not impact your water service.
- This work is expected to begin 11/24 and continue up to the Thanksgiving holiday
Central Street (Summer Street to Highland Avenue)
- Crews are currently working to build the cobblestone buffer between the westside cycle track and the new sidewalks. They are also reinstalling historic bricks near the Somerville Museum.
- This work is currently underway and expected to continue into early December.
Construction Impacts
- Periodic, temporary street closures where work is taking place.
- These closures may shift from block to block during the course of a single working day.
- Detour signage will be in place to help people navigate around the work zones
- Access will be maintained for local residents and emergency vehicles at all times
- Temporary on-street parking restrictions will be in place.
- Please observe posted signage.
On-site crews and police details are available to help and may be able to assist you in getting to/from your home while work is underway.
If you have questions, please email or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.
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