RESCHEDULED to Monday 8/19 - Summer Street Westbound Bike Lane Paving
Update 8/14: This work has been rescheduled and is now expected to take place on Monday, August 19.
Weather permitting, the City of Somerville’s General Contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons Inc. will install a final layer of asphalt on Summer Street’s westbound bicycle lane between School Street and Spring Street on Friday, August 16 between approximately 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Final paving of the remainder of the roadway is expected to take place this fall.
Following final paving of the rest of the roadway, the bicycle lane will be completed with high-friction green paint/markings.
Construction impacts:
- Access to driveways on the odd-numbered side of the street will be temporarily restricted while the asphalt cures/dries
- Asphalt is expected to be dry by approximately 5 p.m. on the day of installation.
- On-street parking will be restricted during construction.
- Please observe posted signage.
- Periodic road closure during paving.
- Access will be maintained for residents.
- Trash/recycling pickups and deliveries will not be affected.
If you have questions, please email or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.