Work to Resume on Spring Hill - Week of 1/13
Starting this upcoming week City contractors will return in a reduced capacity to begin completing remaining work as weather permits.
Winter work is expected to include:
Construction of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) near the intersections of
- Cambria Street at Central Street
- Prescott Street at Summer Street
- Quincy Street at Summer Street
This work is expected to begin during the week of 1/13 or soon after. Work will begin on Cambria Street before proceeding to Prescott Street and then Quincy Street.
Construction impacts include:
- On-street parking restrictions in the immediate vicinity of work zones.
- Periodic road closures during work hours (typically weekdays 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
- Access will be retained for local residents at all times.
- While work is underway on Cambria Street, the street will become temporarily 2-way from Benton Road to facilitate resident access.
What is Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)?
GSI uses natural materials, including soil, plants, and stone to reduce the amount of stormwater that enters the sewer system by mimicking the natural environment and infiltration processes. This helps reduce the amount of stormwater that enters the sewer system and prevents pollutants from entering nearby waterways.
(Newly installed GSI on Avon Street)
Rehabilitation of Water and Sewer Utilities on Walnut Street
While not included in the initial scope of the project, further utility investigation determined that the existing sewer and water utilities along Walnut Street were in need of repair to ensure they continue to function as intended.
This work is being prioritized and is currently expected to begin in late February.
Additional information and resident notification will be provided prior to work beginning.
Spring 2025 - Final Streetscape Work and Substantial Completion
This spring crews will return in full capacity to complete final streetscape elements of the project. Substantial project completion is currently anticipated in late June 2025.
This includes all remaining final paving throughout the area. A non-exhaustive list of remaining streetscape work is included below.
Lower Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.)
- Construction of new sidewalks on northern/odd-numbered side of the street
- Addition of westbound cycle track
- Introduction of pocket park at the intersection of Quincy Street and green stormwater infrastructure
- Final paving of the roadway including pavement marking
Central Street (Summer St. to Highland Avenue)
- Replacement of current temporary asphalt on southbound (toward Summer Street) cycle track with final porous pavement.
- Final paving of the roadway including raised crosswalks
Other project streets
- Final paving of the roadway on School Street, Oxford Street, Hersey, Gibbens Street, and Cambria Street.
- Construction of speed humps on Summer Street and School Street
- Remaining Pavement markings/paint installation project-wide including westbound Summer Street cycle track.
- Installation of remaining signage project wide
If you have questions, please email or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.