Take the Concept Design Survey to Share Your Feedback

At the second community meeting on October 11, the City shared a proposed concept design for Tufts Street.

Based on community member feedback and including other considerations such as emergency vehicles, the City set out to create a concept design to:

  • improve safety for people walking, rolling, biking, and driving
  • ensure emergency access
  • lower vehicle speeds and volumes
  • add new and safer crossings
  • ensure sidewalks and crossings are accessible
  • provide parking options for people with accessibility needs
  • and add trees, planted areas, and benches.

The concept design includes a meandering path for vehicle and bike travel with dedicated pull over space, new longer planter areas with more trees, wider sidewalks, new and raised crosswalks at each intersection, and accessible parking spaces.

We want to hear from you about your feedback on the proposed concept! Take the survey to share your comments, thoughts, and ideas. If you have ay questions, email transportation@somervillema.gov or call 617-666-3311. The deadline for the survey is November 30, 2023.

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