*Virtual* Community Meeting, Wednesday, October 20, 5:30-7:00pm
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 2 City Councilor J.T. Scott, Ward 3 City Councilor Ben Ewen-Campen, City Staff, and the Union Square Community Design Team invite you to a digital community meeting for the Union Square Plaza and Streetscape project on Wednesday, October 20, 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom.
Join the virtual community meeting to hear about the Union Square plaza and street redesign project including:
- Hear what was learned from the community outreach process this summer
- Get updates about the Union Sq plaza and streets redesign
- See preliminary design possibilities for Union Square’s public spaces based on community input
- Ask questions about preliminary design possibilities for Union Square
Virtual participation via Zoom; Please register at BIT.LY/UNIONSQ2021
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If joining live, you will be directed to the meeting in progress.
Live interpretation will be offered upon request in Portuguese, Spanish, Nepali, and Haitian Creole. Please contact Cortney Kirk – ckirk@somervillema.gov, Viola Augustin – vaugustin@somervillema.gov