April 2022: Ground Floor Activities Survey & Upcoming Meetings

Thank you for following this work! We have a few updates to share.
What kind of activities and businesses are you excited to see in the future Temple Square when the Star Market is redeveloped?
The City of Somerville and the Winter Hill Civic Advisory Committee would like to hear about what would make Winter Hill’s business district more complete for you. Are there types of businesses, community center activities, and general outcomes that you would like to see in the future?
Retail businesses (grocery, bank, clothing store, etc.)
Service businesses (salon, tax advisor, fitness studio, dentist, etc.)
Places to get together (restaurant, café, dance class, meeting space, etc.)
- Activities and Outcomes that are important to you (places that promote immigrant cultures, places that pay employees well, places that are toddler friendly, a space to hang out with friends, keeping existing businesses strong, etc.)
Share your ideas in our online survey! | Comparta sus ideas en nuestra encuesta digital | Pataje lide w nan sondaj sa a sou entènèt nou an! | Compartilhe suas idéias em nossa pesquisa!
Over the next couple months, we will also be out and about in the neighborhood with additional ways to answer the survey on paper and talk with our engagement team. The results of this survey will be reviewed by the Winter Hill Civic Advisory Committee (CAC) and the results will be shared with the team at Mark Development.
Upcoming Meeting with the Mark Development Team on Tuesday April 12th
Please join the 299 Broadway development team, the City of Somerville, Ward 4 Councilor Jesse Clingan, and Councilor at Large Jake Wilson for a virtual neighborhood meeting to discuss a proposed modification to the internal program of the 299 Broadway development.
WHEN Tuesday, April 12, 2022
TIME 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Meeting Link: https://tinyurl.com/broadwaynewmeeting
In this community meeting, the development team will present a modification to their internal program elements for the proposed redevelopment of 299 Broadway and 15 Temple Street, Somerville, MA (the Old Star Market site) as a mixed-use project. There will be an opportunity to discuss the ideas and the implications for the permitting process and timeline. Feedback received will be used in the planning process.
This meeting will have live interpretation in Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Portuguese.
For questions, please contact:
Councilor Clingan at aldermanclingan@gmail.com (External link)or by phone at (617) 290-1904 or
Councilor Wilson at jwilson@somervillema.gov(External link) or by phone at (617) 468-8969
Flier in English, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Portuguese
The Winter Hill Civic Advisory Committee has been formed
The Winter Hill Civic Advisory Committee (CAC) has now been formed. This group of diverse stakeholders has signed on to help expand community engagement for the redevelopment of the City-owned properties beyond the usual channels and assist with collecting and synthesizing feedback received from the broader Winter Hill community.
If you have an idea, question, or concern about the redevelopment at any stage in the process, you can always bring them to the Civic Advisory Committee's regular meetings, which are held virtually on the second Thursday of the month from 5:30-7:00 pm. Meetings are held on GoToWebinar and the registration information can be found under the "key dates" section of the Winter Hill Plan's webpage. The committee had a first introductory/organizational meeting on February 10th and an engagement scoping discussion on March 10th, materials from these meetings can be found under "Key Dates." The next meeting, Thursday April 14th, will be a site walk and observations will be summarized at the May meeting.