November 2021: CAC Applications Extension - Zone Change Application
Forming a Civic Advisory Committee
The deadline to apply to the Civic Advisory Committee has been extended until Monday November 29th at 11:59 pm. We have received many fantastic applications but have to date received no applications from Haitian Creole speakers. Anyone who wishes to be considered should apply, and we particularly encourage those who speak Haitian Creole at an intermediate or fluent level to apply to join the group. Please share this with your networks! Applications can be submitted here.
We expect the Civic Advisory Committee to begin meetings in January 2022.
Mark Development Application for 299 Broadway
Mark Development has submitted a zone change application to the Somerville City Council. A public hearing was held on the application on Monday November 8th. Minutes and a recording of the meeting are now available and written comments are still being accepted by the City Council. Comments to the City Council can be submitted to until Friday, November 26th.