Accessibility Forum
This event has concluded.

The City of Somerville and the Commission for Persons with Disabilities are seeking feedback about how to make the community more accessible to those with disabilities. We are gathering online feedback through SomerVoice and hosting an in-person meeting in November. Here is how you can get involved!
Fill out our survey - Let us know a little bit more about your experiences in Somerville in relation to your disability (or a loved one's disability). Click "Survey & Forms" below.
Identify locations that are challenging to you - Is there a sidewalk you have trouble navigating? A building you wish was more accessible? Click "Places" below to put a pin in the map.
Share your ideas - What could make your life better in Somerville? Submit ideas to get other people's feedback on the "Ideas" tab.
Attend our meeting! - We will have a public meeting on November 12 at 6:00pm to gather more feedback about life with disabilities in Somerville. Join us at 165 Broadway to contribute to the conversation. Need any accommodations? Please contact Nency Salamoun at 617-625-6600 x2323 or
Kreyòl Ayisyen: Pwojè sa se yon fason pou rasanble tout enkyètid rezidan yo genyen de koman lavil Somerville kapab pi aksesib pou moun ki gen andikap. Pou entèpretasyon sou pwojè sa, tanpri kontakte 617-666-3311 oubyen voye on email nan:
Português: Este projeto trata de solicitar feedback sobre como a cidade pode ser mais acessível para pessoas com deficiência. Para tradução em português sobre este projeto, entre em contato com 617-666-3311 ou por e-mail
Español: Este proyecto se trata de recopilar comentarios sobre cómo la ciudad puede ser más accesible para las personas con discapacidad. Para obtener información sobre este proyecto, comuníquese con 617-666-3311 o por correo electrónico
Inaccessible Locations
In terms of physical access, what are some specific locations that are challenging? This can include buildings, sidewalks, streets, or more. Provide your feedback and photos directly on the map with a simple "pin" drop.
Although we are specifically interested in the perspective of those with mobility challenges, anyone is welcome to submit locations that are physically inaccessible.