Anti-Displacement Task Force

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The City of Somerville has released its Anti-Displacement Task Forces findings and recommendations. They can be found in the Documents tab here on SomerVoice.

Video of the January 30th Presentation can be found in the video tab here on SomerVoice.

Direct links to the files:

The purpose of the Anti-Displacement Task Force is to develop programming and policy recommendations that aim to equitably reduce the displacement rate of people who live in, have businesses in, or create in the City of Somerville.

The task force has an emphasis on collaboration with City of Somerville staff, community members, practitioners, artists, and non-profits to identify community members most susceptible to the impacts of displacement, review current and potential strategies for anti-displacement, with the final deliverable being a set of policy and programming recommendations that work toward addressing displacement from a holistic perspective but equitably focused on the community level.

Equity Statement

The impacts of displacement are not proportionately felt. Socially disadvantaged populations are impacted disproportionately. Socially disadvantaged individuals are those who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias within American society because of their identities as members of groups and without regard to their individual qualities. The social disadvantage stems from circumstances beyond their control.

The City of Somerville holds equity as a central community value and is committed to acknowledging and mitigating historical inequalities.

Therefore, the task force will prioritize the needs of Somerville's socially disadvantaged individuals and contextualize those needs wherever possible.

The Anti-Displacement Task Force will:

  • Equitably consider the needs of the community.

  • Provide a space for an exchange of information, citizen, council, staff, and organizational input, and deliberation.

  • Assist in synthesizing research and identifying key issues and ideas for anti-displacement strategies in the areas of residential, small business and non-profit and creative enterprise displacement.

  • Identify a range of anti-displacement measures to prevent displacement.

  • Make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on whether and how to implement policy and programming changes to reduce the rate of displacement in the City of Somerville.

The input developed and synthesized by the Anti-Displacement Task Force will inform the decisions of the City of Somerville Administration and the Somerville City Council, who will be responsible for carrying out the recommendations.

The task force will be broken up into three committees, focusing on different areas of displacement work:

1) Residential Displacement

2) Small Business and Non-Profit Displacement and

3) Creative Displacement.

Committee members will guide and inform staff on research and development of policy and programming recommendations to further anti-displacement efforts. Recommendations will be compiled into a Task Force Report to be published at the conclusion of the yearlong task force.

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The City of Somerville has released its Anti-Displacement Task Forces findings and recommendations. They can be found in the Documents tab here on SomerVoice.

Video of the January 30th Presentation can be found in the video tab here on SomerVoice.

Direct links to the files:

The purpose of the Anti-Displacement Task Force is to develop programming and policy recommendations that aim to equitably reduce the displacement rate of people who live in, have businesses in, or create in the City of Somerville.

The task force has an emphasis on collaboration with City of Somerville staff, community members, practitioners, artists, and non-profits to identify community members most susceptible to the impacts of displacement, review current and potential strategies for anti-displacement, with the final deliverable being a set of policy and programming recommendations that work toward addressing displacement from a holistic perspective but equitably focused on the community level.

Equity Statement

The impacts of displacement are not proportionately felt. Socially disadvantaged populations are impacted disproportionately. Socially disadvantaged individuals are those who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias within American society because of their identities as members of groups and without regard to their individual qualities. The social disadvantage stems from circumstances beyond their control.

The City of Somerville holds equity as a central community value and is committed to acknowledging and mitigating historical inequalities.

Therefore, the task force will prioritize the needs of Somerville's socially disadvantaged individuals and contextualize those needs wherever possible.

The Anti-Displacement Task Force will:

  • Equitably consider the needs of the community.

  • Provide a space for an exchange of information, citizen, council, staff, and organizational input, and deliberation.

  • Assist in synthesizing research and identifying key issues and ideas for anti-displacement strategies in the areas of residential, small business and non-profit and creative enterprise displacement.

  • Identify a range of anti-displacement measures to prevent displacement.

  • Make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on whether and how to implement policy and programming changes to reduce the rate of displacement in the City of Somerville.

The input developed and synthesized by the Anti-Displacement Task Force will inform the decisions of the City of Somerville Administration and the Somerville City Council, who will be responsible for carrying out the recommendations.

The task force will be broken up into three committees, focusing on different areas of displacement work:

1) Residential Displacement

2) Small Business and Non-Profit Displacement and

3) Creative Displacement.

Committee members will guide and inform staff on research and development of policy and programming recommendations to further anti-displacement efforts. Recommendations will be compiled into a Task Force Report to be published at the conclusion of the yearlong task force.

Si necesita ayuda en su idioma, comuníquese con nosotros a través de o llame al 311 (617-666-3311)      

Caso precise de assistência em seu idioma, entre em contato conosco por meio deste formulário online: ou ligue para 311 (617-666-3311)      

Si ou bezwen asistans nan lang ou a, kontakte nou nan oswa rele 311 (617-666-3311)    

यदि आफ्नो भाषामा सहायता चाहिन्छ भने कृपया सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस: गर्नुहोस् वा यो ३११ (६१७-६६६-३३११) / 311 (617-666-3311)   

如果您需要語言方面的協助 請撥打 311 (617-666-3311) 或於 聯絡 彩薩默: 移民事務辦公室。  

如果您需要语言方面的协助,请联系 (或者请拨打 311(617-666-3311)。

  • City of Somerville Releases Anti-Displacement Task Force Committee Reports

    Share City of Somerville Releases Anti-Displacement Task Force Committee Reports on Facebook Share City of Somerville Releases Anti-Displacement Task Force Committee Reports on Twitter Share City of Somerville Releases Anti-Displacement Task Force Committee Reports on Linkedin Email City of Somerville Releases Anti-Displacement Task Force Committee Reports link

    The City of Somerville has released its Anti-Displacement Task Forces findings and recommendations.

    Direct links to the files:

    The Anti-Displacement Task Force met on January 30th, 2025, to present the findings and recommendations of the task force ahead of the three committee reports being released.

    During the meeting we received questions we were not able to answer during the meeting due to running out of time. The Task Force announced it would post the responses on the project SomerVoice page:

    Question 1:

    Participant: J. Badot

    Question: Is it possible to access a list of recent properties which were sold for non-profit developers and tenant-owned properties?


    Staff was not able to ascertain the scope of the question. In its best effort to answer the question, staff provided data which includes every development which has received Somerville Affordable Housing Trust and CPA funding to date.

    Property Address

    1. 11-11A Austin
    2. 355 Broadway
    3. 31-33 Cross
    4. 27 Everett
    5. 94-95 Grant
    6. 210 Highland
    7. 18-20 Illinois
    8. 72 Marshall
    9. 35 Merriam
    10. 21 Cutter
    11. 53 High Street
    12. 293 Alewife/ 52 Sydney
    13. 35-37 Linden Street (2 FRIT units and 1 100 HOMES unit)
    14. 184 Broadway
    15. 163 Glen St. (6 units w/CPA subsidy 2 units at 110% AMI)
    16. 485 Mystic Valley Parkway
    17. 7 Summer St.
    18. 31 Tufts St.
    19. Clarendon Hill Phase 1-North Street, Somerville MA 02144
    20. Waterworks 485 Mystic Valley Parkway
    21. 24 Webster Ave.
    22. 299 Broadway
    23. 259 Lowell St.
    24. 31-33 Cross St.
    25. 41 Webster Ave.
    26. 12 Pleasant Ave.
    27. YMCA Redevelopment

    Question 2:

    Participant: Christopher Spicer Hankle

    Question (Part 1): ...pertaining specifically to the overlap of the recommendations. the recommendations for a commercial tenant right, and the recommendation for a city statement of values for the arts.


    From Michael Rosenberg, Co-Chair of the Creative Displacement Committee:

    Hi Christopher,

    Thank you for your thoughtful questions and for attending last night's meeting. We truly appreciate having representation from the Human Rights Commission—it brings valuable perspective to our discussions.

    There is significant overlap between the creative and small enterprise sectors. Initiatives such as a commercial tenant bill of rights and efforts to secure affordable commercial spaces will benefit both communities.

    The Creative Committee did not specify timelines for our goals and recommendations. However, we envision the City's Statement of Values for the Arts as a quick and impactful initiative that can ideally be adopted soon. That said, the implementation plan for these recommendations is still under consideration. Importantly, we aim to incorporate more community voices in shaping this statement. The Creative Displacement Committee has initiated some ideas, but the ultimate goal is for the statement to be drafted by the community, and we would love and appreciate any help in implementing this recommendation.

    Participant: Christopher Spicer Hankle

    Question (Part 2):

    ...To Director Ellen, do we have numbers of evicted from 2024 yet?


    Number of Evictions in 2024

    An execution is the document that a landlord can obtain which gives them legal authority to have a constable remove a tenant’s belongings. In Somerville there were 57 executions issued in 2024. This does not mean all 57 tenants were evicted. We are often able to stop evictions after an execution issue if we can get rental assistance or put in place other necessary interventions. On the other hand, some tenants move after service of a notice to quit BEFORE there is a court action or before a case is final so those moving “voluntarily” would not be included in this count.

    Participant: Christopher Spicer Hankle

    Question (Part 3):

    Municipal Voucher, 30 household currently, mainly immigrant families, regarding the recommendation that city preserve and can grow to include 5 more families--my question is timeline, within a year? forgive me, seems conservative goal, estimating $250,000 per year, if my notes accurate. To expand the existing, post ARPA, projected for mid-year 2028 $ 1,550,000--


    Cost of MVP expansion

    Approximately $1,300,000 annually is needed to support the 29 vouchers we currently have issued. An additional $250,000 per year would be needed to add five vouchers at $50,000/year/household.

  • Anti-Displacement Task Force: New Report with Ideas to Help People Stay in Our Community

    Share Anti-Displacement Task Force: New Report with Ideas to Help People Stay in Our Community on Facebook Share Anti-Displacement Task Force: New Report with Ideas to Help People Stay in Our Community on Twitter Share Anti-Displacement Task Force: New Report with Ideas to Help People Stay in Our Community on Linkedin Email Anti-Displacement Task Force: New Report with Ideas to Help People Stay in Our Community link

    The Anti-Displacement Task Force has finished an important report that includes ideas to help people stay in our community. The report focuses on making sure that residents, small businesses, and creatives—people who make our neighborhood special—don’t have to leave because of rising costs or other pressures.

    The Task Force is made up of three groups, each focused on one of these groups: residents, small businesses, and creatives. These groups worked with city staff and local community members to learn about people's problems and figure out what could help.

    The Three Focus Areas:

    1. Residents: This group focused on people's challenges in finding and keeping affordable housing. They came up with ideas to protect renters, prevent evictions, and keep homes affordable for everyone.
    2. Small Businesses: The second group looked at small businesses' struggles, especially when property values go up. Their ideas include ways to help local businesses stay open, like offering help to keep their business competitive and learn about their rights.
    3. Creatives: The third group focused on artists, musicians, and creatives who make our community lively and unique. They suggested ways to help artists find affordable spaces to work and programs to support their work.

    What’s in the Report:

    The report is split into three parts, one for each group. The group shares ideas in each part to help people stay in our community. These ideas are things we can do here in our city, and they focus on making a real difference.

    The main goal is to make sure our community stays diverse and welcoming to everyone—people who live, work, run a business or non-profit, or create here. The Task Force believes that when we work together, we can find solutions to help everyone stay in their homes and businesses without being pushed out.

    What Happens Next:

    Now that the report is finished, the Anti-Displacement Task Force wants to hear from everyone—community members, local leaders, and organizations—about the ideas in the report.

    The Task Force will be holding a Zoom webinar to go over the recommendations, then, in the Spring, the task force will host an event where people will be invited to watch a short film that attempts to humanize the topic of displacement and highlight the urgency of the work ahead. The community is invited to discuss the recommendations and work together on how to make them happen during a panel discussion that will follow the short film.

    We are excited about these ideas and how they can help our community stay strong and welcoming for everyone. Together, we can create a place where everyone belongs.

    To learn more about the Task Force's work, tune into our virtual meeting or check back in on 1/30/2025 for the release of the committee reports.

    Webinar Details:

    Date: 1/30/25

    Time: 7:00 PM

    Format: Zoom Webinar

    Registration link:

    Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:


    Phone one-tap:

    +12532050468,,84086544018#,,,,*628232# US

    +12532158782,,84086544018#,,,,*628232# US (Tacoma)

    Join via audio:

    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

    Webinar ID: 840 8654 4018

    Passcode: 628232

  • New Residential Displacement Committee Co-Chair

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    Nicole Eigbrett, former Residential Displacement Committee Co-Chair and Community Organizing Director at CAAS has stepped down as co-chair as they transition into a new role as Co-Executive Director of the Asian American Resources Workshop. The task force would like to thank Nicole and recognize her dedicated, steadfast commitment and leadership to the task force and wish her well in her new role.

    The task force also welcomes current Residential Displacement Committee member Eric Robsky Huntley as they transition into the role of Co-Chair, and David Gibbs as an incoming committee member,

    Eric Robsky Huntley is a Lecturer in Urban Science and Planning in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT where they are Director of the Spatial Action Research Group. They also maintain affiliations with the Data + Feminism Lab and the Healthy Neighborhoods Study and serve as the chair of the Digital Geographies Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers.

    David Gibbs serves as Executive Director of The Community Action Agency of Somerville (CAAS). David has been the Executive Director of CAAS since September 2014. David is an attorney with over 20 years of experience in the legal and nonprofit sectors, including serving as the Executive Director of the Cambridge Community Center and the Family Institute of Cambridge.

  • Third Anti-Displacement Task Force Wide Meeting Postponed for Special Presentation

    Share Third Anti-Displacement Task Force Wide Meeting Postponed for Special Presentation on Facebook Share Third Anti-Displacement Task Force Wide Meeting Postponed for Special Presentation on Twitter Share Third Anti-Displacement Task Force Wide Meeting Postponed for Special Presentation on Linkedin Email Third Anti-Displacement Task Force Wide Meeting Postponed for Special Presentation link

    [UPDATE] Due to scheduling confilicts, the Mitigating Small Business Displacement Team will be presented by City of Somerville project staff.

    Join us on February 15th, 2024 as the City of Somerville Anti-Displacement Task Force presents a virtual night of Uplifting Youth Experiences: a special set of presentations from the Department of Racial & Social Justice's Youth League and students from the Harvard Kennedy School, John F. Kennedy School of Government. The presenting groups will be providing the task force and the community an opportunity to listen to research and perspectives on displacement and gentrification from our youth.

    The Harvard Kennedy School of Government will be discussing the findings of their strategic study: “Mitigating Small Business Displacement in Somerville, MA”. Over the course of the study, the researchers spoke to Somerville business operators, developers, and other stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of the obstacles facing small business owners in Somerville. The Department of Racial & Social Justice Youth League will present their research into displacement and gentrification in the City of Somerville and conclude their presentation with a guided reflection exercise. Following each presentation there will be a question-and-answer session where members of the public are encouraged to join the Anti-Displacement Task Force in engaging in discussion around what Anti-Displacement looks like for Somerville from the perspective of our youth.

    Date: February 15th, 2024

    Time: 4PM - 6PM

    Platform: Zoom Webinar

    Harvard Kennedy School: John F. Kennedy School of Government Project Team:

    City of Somerville Department of Racial and Social Justice Youth League Presenters:

    Please click the link below to join the webinar:

    Passcode: 056730

    Or One tap mobile :

    +13052241968,,83883081725#,,,,*056730# US

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    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

    +1 305 224 1968 US

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    Webinar ID: 838 8308 1725

    Passcode: 056730

    International numbers available:


  • Second Anti-Displacement-Wide Task Force Meeting Held 9/21/23

    Share Second Anti-Displacement-Wide Task Force Meeting Held 9/21/23 on Facebook Share Second Anti-Displacement-Wide Task Force Meeting Held 9/21/23 on Twitter Share Second Anti-Displacement-Wide Task Force Meeting Held 9/21/23 on Linkedin Email Second Anti-Displacement-Wide Task Force Meeting Held 9/21/23 link

    The Anti-Displacement Task Force met as a group to discuss each committee's progress so far in the year-long process.

    1. Items Introduced: Equity Statement. Revision suggestions were made and will be incorporated and sent for email vote.
    2. The Residential Displacement Committee gave updates on
      1. The process of the Home Rule Petition
      2. Reflections on past listening sessions
      3. Discussions held so far on priorities.
    3. The Small Enterprise Displacement Committee gave updates on
      1. How they structured their approach,
      2. How they ensured that socially disadvantaged businesses were accommodated,
      3. Went over the results of their root cause exercise, resulting priorities,
      4. introduced their short-term, medium-term, and long-term strategy for developing and implementing recommendations to help avoid small enterprise displacement.
        1. Short Term Strategy
          1. Commercial Tenant Toolkit
          2. Emergency Swing Space Referrals
          3. Site Finding Assistance
          4. ARPA Business Technical Assistance and Grant Program (Pilot)
          5. Improved Development Information Transmission
        2. Medium Term Strategy
          1. Commercial Tenants Assistance Program
          2. Commercial Bill of Rights
          3. Amendment of Vacant Storefront Ordinance
          4. Affordable Commercial Space Zoning Amendment
          5. Improved Development Information Transmission
        3. Long Term Strategy
          1. Affordable Commercial Realty Corporation - A non-profit entity formed by the City to lease space from new commercial developments and to sublet them affordably to local business tenants.
    4. The Creative Displacement Committee gave updates on the
      1. Results of their Root Cause Exercise,
      2. Defining Priorities,
      3. Introduced Proposed Initiatives based on two tiers
        1. Tier 1 Projects:
          1. ACE Buy-Out Fund Structure
          2. City Statement of Values for the Arts
          3. Displacement Stories
        2. Tier 2 Projects:
          1. Creative and Entertainment Districts
          2. Our Town Grant / Other Grant Opportunities
  • Last Rent Stabilization Listening Session Scheduled for September 12th

    Share Last Rent Stabilization Listening Session Scheduled for September 12th on Facebook Share Last Rent Stabilization Listening Session Scheduled for September 12th on Twitter Share Last Rent Stabilization Listening Session Scheduled for September 12th on Linkedin Email Last Rent Stabilization Listening Session Scheduled for September 12th link

    Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and the City of Somerville invite community members to provide public comments about rent stabilization at a third and final listening session. The City hosted two listening sessions last month and is now scheduling a third session for anyone who was unable to attend earlier or has additional comments. This session will prioritize individuals who have not previously provided comments.

    The final listening session is on Tuesday, September 12, from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. The meeting will be hosted in a hybrid format, with the opportunity to participate in person at the Armory or remotely on Zoom. This session will be recorded and posted on The City has also extended the written comment period through September 10.

    As part of ongoing efforts to continue to reduce displacement and increase housing affordability, the City’s Anti-Displacement Task Force (ADTF) is drafting a rent stabilization law, and community members are invited to share their input on what should be included.

    Rent stabilization is a legal strategy that aims to keep housing affordable. It includes laws that prevent rents from rising too quickly and laws that offer protection against wrongful evictions. It also includes considerations for property owners, such as what types of buildings are exempt from the law and parameters regarding when a unit that formerly qualified for rent stabilization could potentially remove its restrictions.

    Somerville’s Proposal
    The ADTF will use the feedback received at the listening sessions to help inform the proposed legislation draft.

    Note that the City is already committed to submitting draft legislation to the State. Comments should address specific elements of Somerville’s proposed new rent stabilization rules, which, if approved by the City Council and the State Legislature, would become Somerville law. Some example considerations are:

    • Tools to ensure sustainably affordable rental prices:

      • Should rent stabilization take effect starting the day the law is passed? If not, when should it take effect? (Example: One year before the day the law is passed.)

      • Should income be used to decide who lives in rent-stabilized units? (Example: Low-income tenants prioritized over higher earners.)

      • How much can landlords raise rent when a lease is renewed?

      • Who should make sure the rent stabilization law is followed? The City Council? A new board?

    • Tools to ensure housing production is not slowed down:

      • Should the rent increase limit still apply if a tenant moves out of an apartment, or can a landlord raise it more?

      • Should property owners be allowed to raise rents if they improve the unit or if taxes or utilities go up?

      • Should anyone be exempt from the rent stabilization law?

      • Should the rent stabilization law apply to new buildings?

    The ADTF will then submit the draft law to the City and the City Council, and then to the state legislature, where the City will formally ask the State for permission to enact the law (known as a “home rule petition”).

    How to Provide Comment

    • Register & Speak at a Listening Session:
      • Advance registration is required to speak at the session.
      • Sign up by Sunday, September 10, at 5:30 p.m. at or by calling 311 (617-666-3311).
      • Registration is only required for those providing comments. If you do not register ahead of time but wish to speak, we will do our best to accommodate you but cannot guarantee you will have an opportunity to do so.
    • Submit Written Comment: Written comments will also be accepted until midnight on Sunday, September 10, by email to or by mail at:

    City of Somerville, Attn: Luis Quizhpe
    Office of Community Development and Strategic Planning
    93 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA 02143

    How to Attend the Listening Session

    Persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (i.e., CART, ASL), written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures in order to access the programs, activities, and meetings of the City of Somerville should please contact Adrienne Pomeroy in advance at 617-625-6600 x 2059 or

    Interpretation into any language is available upon advance request (at least seven days in advance) by contacting the SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs at or calling 311 at 617-666-3311.

  • Residential Anti-Displacement Task Force Seeks Public Comment on Upcoming Rent Stabilization efforts.

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    Somerville Rent Stabilization Listening Sessions, July 20 & July 27

    The City of Somerville, in its effort to continue to reduce displacement and increase housing affordability, is hosting two listening sessions to take public comments on rent stabilization. Rent stabilization is a legal strategy that aims to keep housing affordable. Rent stabilization includes laws that prevent rents from rising too quickly and laws that offer protection against wrongful evictions. It also includes considerations for property owners, such as what types of buildings are exempted from the law and considerations for if and when a unit that formerly qualified for rent stabilization could remove its restrictions.

    Community members are invited to share their input on what should be included in Somerville’s drafting of a rent stabilization law. The Anti-Displacement Task Force will use the feedback received at the listening sessions to help inform the discussions and the proposed legislation draft. The Anti-Displacement Task Force will submit the draft language to the administration and the council before it makes its way to the state legislature, where the City will formally ask the state for permission to enact the law.

    Some example considerations are:

    • In what way should rents be limited?
    • Should any units or people be exempt from rent stabilization? If so, who?
    • How should the costs of repairs be factored into rent?

    The first listening session, for property owners and their advocates, is Thursday, July 20, from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. The second, for renters and their advocates, is Thursday, July 27, from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Both listening sessions will be hosted in a hybrid format, with the opportunity to participate in person at Arts at the Armory 191 Highland Ave, Somerville, MA 02143, or remotely on Zoom.

    How to Attend

    If you plan on providing comments, registration will be required beforehand. If you do not register ahead of time, we will do our best to accommodate you, but cannot guarantee you will have an opportunity to do so during the session. The session will be recorded and posted on

    • Attend in person: Arts at the Armory 191 Highland Ave, Somerville, MA 02143
    • Join online: Link to join either session is available at
    • Join by phone:
      • For landlords and their advocates:
        • Dial: +1 646 558 8656
        • Enter Meeting ID: 838 3292 1717
        • Enter Passcode: 635355
      • For renters and their advocates:
        • Dial: +1 646 558 8656
        • Enter Meeting ID: 844 6308 0114
        • Enter Passcode: 647757

    How to Provide Comment

    July 20 5:30PM - 9:30PM - Listening session for property owners & their advocates.

    Step 1: Click this link (or copy text onto your browser address bar) by 5:00PM on July 18 to register if you want to provide comments:

    Step 2: Attend in person at The Armory at 191 Highland Ave

    - or -

    Click this link to attend the listening session virtually on July 20:

    July 27 - 5:30PM - 9:30PM - Listening session for tenants and their advocates.

    Step 1: Click this link (or copy text onto your browser address bar) by 5:00PM on July 25 to register if you want to provide comments:

    Step 2: Attend in person at The Armory at 191 Highland Ave

    - or -

    Click this link to attend the listening session virtually on July 27:

    Submit Written Comment: If you cannot attend the session, written comments will be accepted through Monday July 31, by email to or via mail at:

    City of Somerville, Attn: Luis Quizhpe
    Office of Community Development and Strategic Planning
    93 Highland Ave. Somerville, MA 02143

    Persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (i.e., CART, ASL), written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures in order to access the programs, activities, and meetings of the City of Somerville should please contact Adrienne Pomeroy in advance at 617-625-6600 x 2059 or

    Interpretation into any language is available upon advance request (at least seven days in advance) by contacting the SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs at or calling 311 at 617-666-3311.

  • Sesiones de escucha sobre estabilización del alquiler

    Share Sesiones de escucha sobre estabilización del alquiler on Facebook Share Sesiones de escucha sobre estabilización del alquiler on Twitter Share Sesiones de escucha sobre estabilización del alquiler on Linkedin Email Sesiones de escucha sobre estabilización del alquiler link

    Somerville está redactando una ley de estabilización de alquileres. ¿Qué se debe incluir?

    ¿De qué forma se deben limitar las rentas?

    ¿Debería alguna unidad o persona estar exenta de la estabilización de renta? Si es así, ¿quién?

    ¿Cómo deben tenerse en cuenta los costos de las reparaciones en los alquileres?

    El Grupo de trabajo contra el desplazamiento utilizará sus comentarios durante la redacción de una próxima petición de autonomía para la estabilización del valor de los alquileres.

    Sesiones de intercambio de ideas acerca de la estabilización del alquiler- Propietarios y defensores de propietarios:

    Fecha: 20 de julio de 2023; 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM

    Formato: Presencial y transmisión en vivo a través de Zoom.

    Dirección del evento:

    Presencial: The Armory - 191 Highland Ave.

    Enlace de Zoom:

    Si quiere proporcionar comentarios inscríbase antes del 18 de julio del 2023.

    Cómo registrarse para hablar:


    Sesiones de intercambio de ideas acerca de la estabilización del alquiler- Inquilinos y defensores de inquilinos:

    Fecha: 27 de julio de 2023; 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM

    Formato: Presencial y transmisión en vivo a través de Zoom.

    Dirección del evento:

    Presencial: The Armory - 191 Highland Ave.

    Enlace de Zoom:

    Si quiere proporcionar comentarios inscríbase antes del 25 de julio del 2023.

    Cómo registrarse para hablar:


  • Grupos de discussão para estabilização de aluguel

    Share Grupos de discussão para estabilização de aluguel on Facebook Share Grupos de discussão para estabilização de aluguel on Twitter Share Grupos de discussão para estabilização de aluguel on Linkedin Email Grupos de discussão para estabilização de aluguel link

    Somerville está elaborando uma lei de estabilização de aluguel. O que deve ser incluído?

    De que maneira os aluguéis devem ser limitados?

    Algumas unidades ou pessoas devem ser isentas da estabilização do aluguel? Se sim, quem?

    Como os custos dos reparos devem ser contabilizados nos aluguéis?

    A Força-Tarefa contra remoções usará seu feedback durante a elaboração de uma petição de regra local para estabilização do aluguel.

    Sessões de escuta sobre estabilização do aluguel: proprietários e seus defensores

    Data: 20 de julho de 2023, das 5:30PM às 9:30PM

    Formato: Presencial com streaming ao vivo por Zoom.

    Endereço do evento:

    Presencial: The Armory - 191 Highland Ave

    Link do Zoom:

    Inscreva-se para fornecer comentários até 18 de julho de 2023

    Como se inscrever para falar:

    Sessões de escuta sobre estabilização do aluguel: inquilinos e seus defensores

    Data: 27 de julho de 2023, das 5:30PM às 9:30PM

    Formato: Presencial com streaming ao vivo por Zoom.

    Endereço do evento:

    Presencial: The Armory - 191 Highland Ave

    Link do Zoom:

    Inscreva-se para fornecer comentários até 25 de julho de 2023

    Como se inscrever para falar:

  • Seyans Dekout sou Stabilizasyon pou Lwaye

    Share Seyans Dekout sou Stabilizasyon pou Lwaye on Facebook Share Seyans Dekout sou Stabilizasyon pou Lwaye on Twitter Share Seyans Dekout sou Stabilizasyon pou Lwaye on Linkedin Email Seyans Dekout sou Stabilizasyon pou Lwaye link

    Somerville ap ekri yon lwa pou estabilizasyon lwaye. Ki sa ki ta dwe enkli?

    Nan ki fason pri lwaye yo ta dwe limite?

    Èske nenpòt inite oswa moun ta dwe egzante de estabilizasyon lwaye? Si se konsa, kiyès?

    Ki jan depans pou reparasyon yo ta dwe konsidere nan pri lwaye yo?

    Gwoup Travay Anti-Deplasman an pral itilize fidbak ou yo pandan y ap ekri yon petisyon pou règleman kay yo pou estabilizasyon lwaye.

    Seyans Ekout sou Estabilizasyon Lwaye - Pwopriyetè ak Avoka Pwopriyetè yo

    Dat: 20 jiyè 2023; 5 è edmi nan apremidi rive 9 è edmi nan aswè

    Fòma: An pèsòn epi difizyon an dirèk sou Zoom.

    Adrès Aktivite a:

    An pèsòn: The Armory - 191 Highland Ave

    Lyen Zoom lan:

    Anrejistre pou ka bay komantè apati de 18 Jiyè 2023

    Enskri pou w pale:


    Seyans Ekout sou Estabilizasyon Lwaye - Lokatè ak Avoka Lokatè yo

    Dat: 27 jiyè 2023; 5 è edmi nan apremidi rive 9 è edmi nan aswè

    Fòma: An pèsòn epi difizyon an dirèk sou Zoom.

    Adrès Aktivite a:

    An pèsòn: The Armory - 191 Highland Ave

    Lyen Zoom lan:

    Anrejistre pou ka bay komantè apati de 25 Jiyè 2023

    Enskri pou w pale:


Page last updated: 10 Feb 2025, 03:07 PM