Brickbottom Neighborhood Plan

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Download the Brickbottom Small Area Plan here.

We are currently working on updating the plan based on community feedback. We are also performing a feasibility and fiscal analysis on the proposals to include in the document. We are aiming to complete this process and generate a final version of the plan by June 2024.

Current planning efforts for Brickbottom aim to produce a Vision Plan for the development of the area, which will inform infrastructure investments by the City while serving as a precursor to specific zoning changes that will enable new construction. It will primarily focus on the future physical design of streets and parks as well as the shape, size, and architectural character of new buildings. If there is a Master Planned Development overlay district for Brickbottom in the future, this Vision Plan will inform or become the Urban Design Framework that the Planning Board would adopt to enable it.

Brickbottom is identified as an area to transform by SomerVision, the City's comprehensive plan. Therefore we want to enable extensive change in the area, creating new possibilities for housing, civic spaces, and commercial development.

Please email any concerns or feedback to and sign up for our mailing list!

Download the Brickbottom Small Area Plan here.

We are currently working on updating the plan based on community feedback. We are also performing a feasibility and fiscal analysis on the proposals to include in the document. We are aiming to complete this process and generate a final version of the plan by June 2024.

Current planning efforts for Brickbottom aim to produce a Vision Plan for the development of the area, which will inform infrastructure investments by the City while serving as a precursor to specific zoning changes that will enable new construction. It will primarily focus on the future physical design of streets and parks as well as the shape, size, and architectural character of new buildings. If there is a Master Planned Development overlay district for Brickbottom in the future, this Vision Plan will inform or become the Urban Design Framework that the Planning Board would adopt to enable it.

Brickbottom is identified as an area to transform by SomerVision, the City's comprehensive plan. Therefore we want to enable extensive change in the area, creating new possibilities for housing, civic spaces, and commercial development.

Please email any concerns or feedback to and sign up for our mailing list!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for helping to plan the future of the Brickbottom neighborhood! We have organized three activities to kick off the neighborhood planning. This "homework" will help us understand your vision for Brickbottom. We appreciate you taking the time and the energy during these trying times to share your local knowledge. Thank you also for thinking about future opportunities to incorporate into this plan. And thinking about what you hope future generations will come to love about Brickbottom.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is seeking feedback regarding the Brickbottom Workshop from October 27. You can learn more about this initiative at If you have any questions please email

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Page last updated: 07 Mar 2024, 10:14 AM