Central Hill Memorials

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The Veterans Memorials on Central Hill project was part of the design of the new Somerville High School (SHS) campus. The concept of the design is to create a veterans memorial walk with reflection nodes honoring veterans chronologically. The first phase of the project involves returning the Korean and Vietnam Memorials to the lawn in front of the SHS. Construction of this phase is expected to begin in the late Spring of 2025.

Please check here for project updates.

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The Veterans Memorials on Central Hill project was part of the design of the new Somerville High School (SHS) campus. The concept of the design is to create a veterans memorial walk with reflection nodes honoring veterans chronologically. The first phase of the project involves returning the Korean and Vietnam Memorials to the lawn in front of the SHS. Construction of this phase is expected to begin in the late Spring of 2025.

Please check here for project updates.

Download the plan for the project in the widgets panel.

Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025, 02:39 PM