Cultural Capacity Plan

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The cover of the Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan


As of February 2025, the Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan is now final. We’d like to extend our gratitude to the Mayor's office, our ambassadors, and residents for their dedication and efforts in shaping this Plan. Stay tuned for updates on the next steps and new initiatives inspired by the recommendations.

a button that says "Read the Plan" and is a live link to the document


What is capacity-building? Capacity-building helps develop the skills, abilities, and processes of Somerville's creative individuals, organizations, and institutions to grow the city’s network and support of arts and culture offerings, resources, and services.

What is cultural planning? Cultural planning is a process that focuses on Somerville specific activities and engagement in order to create a community-generated vision and action plan for strengthening and growing arts and culture assets across the community.

Why Now?

With the third largest share of architects and designers, and the fourth largest concentration of visual artists, musicians, and other performing artists out of any city or town in Massachusetts, Somerville is a hub of the local creative economy. While the city’s recent building boom has created the potential for the development of new arts spaces, the arts community is questioning its ability to capitalize on this growth and flourish in the future. This concern stems from the challenges brought on by COVID-19 as well as the fragmentation of the city’s policies, organizational capacity, and institutional support. To learn more about the challenges artists face in Somerville, please see the Somerville Arts Space Risk Assessment.

How this Plan will be Different:

The Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan will engage the local arts and culture community to explore ways to strengthen and improve access to Somerville’s cultural assets.

Building on previous cultural planning efforts in Union Square and pre-planning work initiated in 2020, the Somerville Cultural Plan will provide the container for cross-cultural conversations that will build capacity for cultural change by establishing the vision, policy framework, implementation strategies, organizational structures, and funding requirements needed to develop Somerville’s cultural community in ways that weave arts and culture into other policy and practice areas and help this community to flourish. The City of Somerville has hired Forecast Public Art and Solomon Office to lead this effort.

What's Happened to Date:

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如果您需要语言方面的协助,请联系 (或者请拨打 311(617-666-3311)。

The cover of the Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan


As of February 2025, the Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan is now final. We’d like to extend our gratitude to the Mayor's office, our ambassadors, and residents for their dedication and efforts in shaping this Plan. Stay tuned for updates on the next steps and new initiatives inspired by the recommendations.

a button that says "Read the Plan" and is a live link to the document


What is capacity-building? Capacity-building helps develop the skills, abilities, and processes of Somerville's creative individuals, organizations, and institutions to grow the city’s network and support of arts and culture offerings, resources, and services.

What is cultural planning? Cultural planning is a process that focuses on Somerville specific activities and engagement in order to create a community-generated vision and action plan for strengthening and growing arts and culture assets across the community.

Why Now?

With the third largest share of architects and designers, and the fourth largest concentration of visual artists, musicians, and other performing artists out of any city or town in Massachusetts, Somerville is a hub of the local creative economy. While the city’s recent building boom has created the potential for the development of new arts spaces, the arts community is questioning its ability to capitalize on this growth and flourish in the future. This concern stems from the challenges brought on by COVID-19 as well as the fragmentation of the city’s policies, organizational capacity, and institutional support. To learn more about the challenges artists face in Somerville, please see the Somerville Arts Space Risk Assessment.

How this Plan will be Different:

The Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan will engage the local arts and culture community to explore ways to strengthen and improve access to Somerville’s cultural assets.

Building on previous cultural planning efforts in Union Square and pre-planning work initiated in 2020, the Somerville Cultural Plan will provide the container for cross-cultural conversations that will build capacity for cultural change by establishing the vision, policy framework, implementation strategies, organizational structures, and funding requirements needed to develop Somerville’s cultural community in ways that weave arts and culture into other policy and practice areas and help this community to flourish. The City of Somerville has hired Forecast Public Art and Solomon Office to lead this effort.

What's Happened to Date:

Si necesita ayuda en su idioma, comuníquese con nosotros a través de o llame al 311 (617-666-3311)      

Caso precise de assistência em seu idioma, entre em contato conosco por meio deste formulário online: ou ligue para 311 (617-666-3311)      

Si ou bezwen asistans nan lang ou a, kontakte nou nan oswa rele 311 (617-666-3311)    

यदि आफ्नो भाषामा सहायता चाहिन्छ भने कृपया सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस: गर्नुहोस् वा यो ३११ (६१७-६६६-३३११) / 311 (617-666-3311)   

如果您需要語言方面的協助 請撥打 311 (617-666-3311) 或於 聯絡 彩薩默: 移民事務辦公室。  

如果您需要语言方面的协助,请联系 (或者请拨打 311(617-666-3311)。

  • Vision Forum Feedback

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    After a year of meetings with the community, Cultural Ambassadors, and the City, the SCCP team is interested to know your thoughts on the primary components that will drive the Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan.

    The first section of this survey seeks your comments on the mission, vision, and goals for the plan. The second section dives into the details seeking your comment on the draft recommended actions to address the major issues facing the community in a way that carries out the mission, vision and goals.

    When the full draft of the SCCP is ready for public comment, you will be notified via email so you can see how your input has been incorporated into the Plan, and you may have the opportunity to provide additional feedback.

  • Cultural Capacity Vision Forum

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    Join us for the SCCP Vision Forum - an in-person event at Warehouse XI - to learn more about the vision for the Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan, and how you can get involved. After a 12 month-long public process, with leadership from the SCCP Cultural Ambassadors, a vision and mission has been drafted and plan writing is underway.

    At the Forum you'll have the opportunity to connect with others like you who are passionate about keeping Somerville a thriving, creative hub. Through engaging discussions and interactive workshops, we'll explore the plan's overall vision, mission, and values, as well as innovative ideas and strategies to shape the future of our city.

    Whether you're an aspiring changemaker, a community advocate, or simply curious about the future of Somerville, this event is for you. Don't miss this chance to be part of the Somerville Forum Vision and contribute to the collective vision for our vibrant community.

    Registration Button

    Location: Warehouse XI, 11 Sanborn Court, Somerville, MA

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025, 02:20 PM