Davis Square Commercial Area Plan

Read the Davis Square Commercial Area Plan draft!
This plan was released to the public on December 20, 2023, and remained open for public comment through March 10, 2024. Thank you for providing feedback! City staff have compiled and sorted the hundreds of comments received, and staff will now incorporate them into the final draft of the plan. The next step is a public hearing with the Planning Board (details to come). Stay tuned for more updates!
What is the Davis Square Commercial Area Plan?
Much has changed since the 2020 release of the previous public draft of the Davis Square neighborhood plan disrupted by the pandemic. A city-wide zoning overhaul was implemented, our local economy was deeply affected by the pandemic response, and several city-wide policy documents were adopted, including a new comprehensive plan and multiple mobility-focused initiatives. To create this update, we incorporated each of those factors while expanding how the plan addresses civic spaces, outdoor dining, pedestrian and bike safety, way-finding, small business support, and public realm maintenance. Given the extensive planning processes in Davis Square over the last several years, city staff also reviewed the community ideas and comments from previous plan iterations, refining and adjusting them to present conditions and excluding those already implemented through other initiatives. Since this plan has always focused on the core commercial area of the square, we also changed the title to Davis Square Commercial Area Plan to more accurately reflect its scope. This complete plan overhaul was a lengthy internal process, and we appreciate your patience!
Thank you for attending the January 2024 presentation of the Davis Square Commercial Area Plan! Find the recording of the meeting here and in the "Important Links" tab. We apologize that the room was not large enough to fit everyone. Please find the presentation materials in the "Documents" tab.
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