Overview of Holland Street Mobility Improvements and Curbside Changes 2022/23
City contractors will repave Holland Street from Claremon Street to Simpson Ave this summer following sidewalk reconstruction. The City will also install new pavement markings and parking regulation changes from Teele Square to Davis Square, and add parking meters on some side streets. These changes include:
- Consolidating bus stops
- Installing new raised crosswalks across Holland Street at Winter Street, Hodgkins-Curtin Park, and Paulina Street to improve the safety of people walking and wheeling
- Adding pedestrian refuge islands at the intersection of Holland Street and Cameron Ave to make it more comfortable and safer to cross for all users
- Creating in-lane bus stops
- Implementing a bike lane from Wallace Street to Teele Square northbound
- Installing a peak hour bus lane (6:00am - 9:00am) and commercial loading zone (after 9:00am) from Buena Vista Road to Winter Street southbound to improve bus reliability for people traveling in the morning and providing operations support for local businesses
- Implementing a protected bike lane from Davis Square to Winter Street northbound to improve the safety of people biking
- Installing a bus and bike lane from Winter Street to Davis Square southbound to improve the reliability of the bus for people taking transit and improve the safety for people biking
- Speed humps are also being installed on Wallace St, Buena Vista Rd, and Paulina St to compliment new traffic calming on Holland Street
- New parking meters will be added to Simpson Ave, Wallace St, and Irving St to help manage the curb changes
Check out the map below to see a visual of the changes along Holland Street.
You can also explore the specific details in the presentation slides shown at the July Traffic Commission Meeting.
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