Third Community Meeting 12/9 & Proposed Final Design
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 6 Councilor Lance Davis, and Ward 7 Councilor Katjana Ballantyne invite you to attend the third virtual community meeting about the Holland Street and College Avenue Mobility Improvements project on Wednesday, December 9, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will take place on the GoToMeeting webinar platform. Register to attend at
At this meeting, staff will review the design and community process to date, present the proposed final design for each roadway, and discuss the phased project implementation plan. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and respond to the presentation material. Staff will also review a parking management strategy and a phased project implementation plan that seeks to mitigate potential small business impacts.
The images in this article detail the proposed final design - please click on the headline to view the full article with all images included.
The first image below provide an overview of the facilities provide along each side of the street. The locations of different types of bus and bike lanes are included as well as all of the locations where parking will remain. Pedestrian safety and crossing improvements are also highlighted.
The next image below provides more detail about bike facilities and bike connections between squares and between the two sections of the community path. The city is proposing to allow contraflow bicycling on Wallace St and Park Ave to provide lower stress alternatives to bicycling on Holland St and College Ave. These facilities will include marked bike lanes at the entrances and exits, as well as additional signs, flex posts, pavement markings to alert people driving. In addition, the city will be exploring the potential for installing advisory bike lanes Buena Vista Rd to provide a lower stress connection to the community path.
The next image details the locations of pedestrian and transit improvements, including existing and new crosswalks, bump outs, in-lane bus stops, and bus stop changes.
The last two images detail parking changes. The first image shows where parking will remain as it exists today, where it will be restricted during just three hours of the day, and where it will no longer be permitted. The second image details a parking management strategy including new parking meters, shorter term regulations, accessible parking spaces, and additional loading/pickup/dropoff zones to more efficiently serve a greater number of users and reduce the impacts of parking spaces that will be repurposed.