Spring 2022 Construction Beginning on Holland Street and College Ave
As part of the City’s Pavement and Sidewalk Management Program, city contractors will reconstruct a portion of Holland Street sidewalks and pavement. This work is in addition to completing work on College Ave this year.
Beginning this spring, city contractors will begin rebuilding sidewalks on Holland Street from Simpson Avenue to Claremon Street. When sidewalks are completed later this year, the roadway will be repaved from Simpson Avenue to Claremon Street. Construction work will primarily take place on weekdays from 7:00am to 3:00pm.
Safety improvements include pedestrian refuge islands at Cameron Avenue complimented by a floating bus stop, a new raised crosswalk and curb extension at Paulina Street, and raised crosswalks at Hodgkins-Curtin Park entrance and Winter Street.
Later this spring, College Ave will be repaved to complete work that began in Summer 2021. To learn more about this project, check out the College Ave Mobility Improvements StoryMap.
If you have questions regarding construction, please email Jesse Moos at construction@somervillema.gov or call at 617.981.2896.
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