Spring ‘25 - Remaining Sidewalk and Roadway Improvements Begin Week of 4/7 or Soon After
Update 3/24 - Work on the first stretch of Holland Street (Simpson Avenue to Wallace Street) is now expected to begin later this week with installation of tree protection.
As early as the week of 4/7, City contractors plan to return to Holland Street and College Avenue in the Davis and Teele Square area to finish reconstructing sidewalks, pave segments of the roadway, and install a new raised intersection at Holland Street/Irving Street/Thorndike Street.
Scope and Location of Remaining Work
New sidewalks on Holland Street
- Simpson Avenue to Wallace Street
- Claremon Street to Newbury Street
Raised Intersection at Holland Street/Irving Street/Thorndike Street
- Why a raised intersection?
Raised crossings make crossing safer and more comfortable for everyone. Since they are elevated (roughly to sidewalk height), people driving must slow down as they approach the crossing. Because they are sidewalk height, they enable people using wheelchairs and other mobility devices to cross more easily. Learn more at somervillema.gov/trafficcalming.
Curb-to-Curb Roadway Paving
Holland Street
- Wallace Street to Simpson Avenue
- Claremon Street to Newbury Street
- Dover Street to Winter Street
College Avenue
- Highland Avenue to Winslow Street
Anticipated Schedule
Work is expected to begin during the week of 4/7 or soon after and continue through the spring.
Additional notification will be provided via flyer to residents/business prior to sidewalk excavation in front of their residence or business.
Final paving will follow sidewalk reconstruction and installation of the raised intersection.
Construction Impacts
- Temporary parking restrictions will be in place during sidewalk construction.
- Please observe posted signage.
- Road closures and detours will be in place during paving.
- Additional notification provided prior to paving.
- Please observe detour signage.
If you have questions about this work, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.