Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study
The Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study is an effort to comprehensively understand the parking system in Somerville and make recommendations that will guide the City in bringing its parking policies in alignment with its city goals, community values, and future needs.
The city is seeking recommendations that will:
- Enhance mobility and access, improve the equity, safety, dependability, and sustainability of our transportation system, reduce our reliance on automobiles, allow for growth with less parking, and satisfy parking demand to the extent feasible and practical, recognizing that the city’s mode shift and climate goals will require less space dedicated toContinue reading
The Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study is an effort to comprehensively understand the parking system in Somerville and make recommendations that will guide the City in bringing its parking policies in alignment with its city goals, community values, and future needs.
The city is seeking recommendations that will:
- Enhance mobility and access, improve the equity, safety, dependability, and sustainability of our transportation system, reduce our reliance on automobiles, allow for growth with less parking, and satisfy parking demand to the extent feasible and practical, recognizing that the city’s mode shift and climate goals will require less space dedicated to vehicle parking.
- Reduce the annoyance and frustration associated with parking by making our parking system easier to understand and work more equitably, efficiently, and consistently for residents, businesses, and visitors.
- Prioritize our limited parking resources for persons with limited mobility options due to financial reasons, mobility impairments, disabilities, or other hardships, and disincentivize those with broad choice among mobility options from using limited parking resources.
- Ensure that any changes to parking policy are equitable and that recommendations include appropriate mitigation strategies for potential unequal burdens on specific disadvantaged populations.
The study will utilize and leverage data from a complete inventory of parking regulations on city streets and parking utilization counts from select areas across the city. It will include an evaluation of current enforcement/payment technologies as well as analysis of current parking supply and demand. Recommendations and an implementation action plan will be developed to reduce and distribute demand, expand capacity and supply, ensure equitable access, and improve administration and operation.
The study will be informed by public and expert input, as well as the Parking Study Task Force - a 21 member group consisting of representatives from City Council, the business community, the Council on Aging, the Commission for Persons with Disabilities, the Pedestrian & Transit Advisory Committee, the Bicycle Advisory Committee, and many city departments (Parking, Police, Fire, Racial & Social Justice, Sustainability & Environment, Engineering, Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, and Mobility).
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
In June 2022, the study project team shared curb regulations and occupancy data collected, key findings from data analysis, and potential policy and operations recommendations. We now want to hear from you about your feedback on the proposed recommendations to help guide the City in bringing its parking policies in alignment with city goals, community values, and future needs. Please take this short survey, submit a comment in the comment box, or email Jackie Stagnari at, to let us know your thoughts.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
En junio del 2022, el equipo del proyecto de estudio compartió las regulaciones de las aceras y los datos de ocupación recopilados, los hallazgos clave del análisis de datos y las posibles recomendaciones de políticas y operaciones. Ahora queremos saber de usted acerca de sus comentarios sobre las recomendaciones propuestas para ayudar a guiar a la Ciudad a alinear sus políticas de estacionamiento con las metas de la ciudad, los valores de la comunidad y las necesidades futuras. Por favor complete esta breve encuesta, envíe un comentario en el cuadro de comentarios o envíe un correo electrónico a Jackie Stagnari a, para hacernos saber su opinión.
Share ¡Comparta sus comentarios sobre las recomendaciones del estudio de estacionamiento y uso de aceras en toda la ciudad! (Español) on Facebook Share ¡Comparta sus comentarios sobre las recomendaciones del estudio de estacionamiento y uso de aceras en toda la ciudad! (Español) on Twitter Share ¡Comparta sus comentarios sobre las recomendaciones del estudio de estacionamiento y uso de aceras en toda la ciudad! (Español) on Linkedin Email ¡Comparta sus comentarios sobre las recomendaciones del estudio de estacionamiento y uso de aceras en toda la ciudad! (Español) link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Em junho de 2022, a equipe do projeto de estudo compartilhou os regulamentos do meio-feio e os dados de ocupação coletados, as principais conclusões da análise de dados e possíveis recomendações de políticas e operações. Agora queremos ouvir seus comentários sobre as recomendações propostas para ajudar a orientar a cidade a alinhar suas políticas de estacionamento com as metas da cidade, os valores da comunidade e as necessidades futuras. Por favor, responda a esta pesquisa, envie um comentário na caixa de comentários ou envie um e-mail para Jackie Stagnari em, para compartilhar sua opinião.
Share Compartilhe seus comentários sobre as recomendações do Citywide Parking and Curb-Use Study (Estudo sobre estacionamento na cidade com um todo e nas ruas) (Português) on Facebook Share Compartilhe seus comentários sobre as recomendações do Citywide Parking and Curb-Use Study (Estudo sobre estacionamento na cidade com um todo e nas ruas) (Português) on Twitter Share Compartilhe seus comentários sobre as recomendações do Citywide Parking and Curb-Use Study (Estudo sobre estacionamento na cidade com um todo e nas ruas) (Português) on Linkedin Email Compartilhe seus comentários sobre as recomendações do Citywide Parking and Curb-Use Study (Estudo sobre estacionamento na cidade com um todo e nas ruas) (Português) link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
An Jen 2022, ekip pou pwojè paking ak twotwa vil la pataje reglemantasyon de twotwa yo ak tout done sou nonb okipasyon ki te kolekte yo, ak rezilta pensipal de analiz done yo epi rekomandasyon potansyèl pou strateji ak operasyon yo. Nou vle kounya tande komantè ou yo sou rekomandasyon ki pwopoze yo pou ede vil la mete lòd nan pakin yo nan yon fason ki ap nan objektif vil la, valè nan kominote yo, ak bezwen fiti yo. Tanpri reponn a kesyon sondaj sa epi soumèt yon komantè nan bòks ki pou komantè oswa email Jackie Stagnari nan, pou fè nou konnen sa ou panse.
Share Pataje fidbak ou de Etid pou Paking pou vil la ak Twotwa yo! (Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Facebook Share Pataje fidbak ou de Etid pou Paking pou vil la ak Twotwa yo! (Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Twitter Share Pataje fidbak ou de Etid pou Paking pou vil la ak Twotwa yo! (Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Linkedin Email Pataje fidbak ou de Etid pou Paking pou vil la ak Twotwa yo! (Kreyòl Ayisyen) link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
जुन २०२२ मा परियोजना अध्ययन टोलीले कर्ब नियमहरू तथा सङ्कलन गरिएको उपयोग/कब्जाको तथ्यांक, तथ्यांक विश्लेषणका मुख्य निष्कर्षहरू, र सम्भावित नीति तथा सञ्चालन प्रकृयाहरुको शिफारिसहरू सार्वजनिक गर्यो। अब हामी सिटिको लक्ष्य, सामुदायिक मूल्य र भविष्यका आवश्यकताहरूसँग जोडिएर सिटिको पार्किङ नीतिहरू तयार गर्नमा सिटिलाई मार्गदर्शनका लागि प्रस्तावित सिफारिसहरू बारेमा तपाँईंहरुको प्रतिक्रिया सुन्न चाहन्छौं। कृपया यो छोटो सर्वेक्षणमा भाग लिनुहोस्, टिप्पणी बाकसमा टिप्पणी जम्मा गर्नुहोस्, वा हामीलाई तपाईंको विचारहरू बताउन जैकी स्ट्यागन्यारीलाई मा ईमेल गर्नुहोस्।
Share सिटिव्यापी पार्किङ र कर्ब-उपयोग अध्ययन सिफारिसहरूको बारेमा आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया सार्वजनिक गर्नुहोस्! (नेपाली) on Facebook Share सिटिव्यापी पार्किङ र कर्ब-उपयोग अध्ययन सिफारिसहरूको बारेमा आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया सार्वजनिक गर्नुहोस्! (नेपाली) on Twitter Share सिटिव्यापी पार्किङ र कर्ब-उपयोग अध्ययन सिफारिसहरूको बारेमा आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया सार्वजनिक गर्नुहोस्! (नेपाली) on Linkedin Email सिटिव्यापी पार्किङ र कर्ब-उपयोग अध्ययन सिफारिसहरूको बारेमा आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया सार्वजनिक गर्नुहोस्! (नेपाली) link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
研究团队在2022 年 6 月发布了他们收集到的路缘法规和路缘使用数据,主要调研结果来自数据,以及对草案和执行的建议。 我们现在想聆听您对建议的意见,以引导萨默维尔市政府作出与城市规划目标、小区价值和未来需求保持一致的停车政策。 请回答这份简短的问卷调查,您可以在留言框中留下您的意见,或发送电邮予Jackie Stagnari,邮箱是 ,让我们知道您的想法。
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
研究團隊在2022 年 6 月發佈了他們收集到的路緣法規和路緣使用數據,主要調研結果來自數據,以及對草案和執行的建議。 我們現在想聆聽您對建議的意見,以引導薩默維爾市政府作出與城市規劃目標、社區價值和未來需求保持一致的停車政策。 請回答這份簡短的問卷調查,您可以在留言框中留下您的意見,或發送電郵予Jackie Stagnari,郵箱是 ,讓我們知道您的想法。
Share 分享您對市內停車和路緣使用研究建議的反饋 (繁體中文) on Facebook Share 分享您對市內停車和路緣使用研究建議的反饋 (繁體中文) on Twitter Share 分享您對市內停車和路緣使用研究建議的反饋 (繁體中文) on Linkedin Email 分享您對市內停車和路緣使用研究建議的反饋 (繁體中文) link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Share Parking and Curb Use Survey (English) on Facebook Share Parking and Curb Use Survey (English) on Twitter Share Parking and Curb Use Survey (English) on Linkedin Email Parking and Curb Use Survey (English) link
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Share Encuesta del Estacionamiento y Uso de la Acera (Español) on Facebook Share Encuesta del Estacionamiento y Uso de la Acera (Español) on Twitter Share Encuesta del Estacionamiento y Uso de la Acera (Español) on Linkedin Email Encuesta del Estacionamiento y Uso de la Acera (Español) link
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Share Pesquisa Sobre o uso do Estacionamento e Meio-fio (Português) on Facebook Share Pesquisa Sobre o uso do Estacionamento e Meio-fio (Português) on Twitter Share Pesquisa Sobre o uso do Estacionamento e Meio-fio (Português) on Linkedin Email Pesquisa Sobre o uso do Estacionamento e Meio-fio (Português) link
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Share Sondaj pou pakin ak itilizasyon twotwa (Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Facebook Share Sondaj pou pakin ak itilizasyon twotwa (Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Twitter Share Sondaj pou pakin ak itilizasyon twotwa (Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Linkedin Email Sondaj pou pakin ak itilizasyon twotwa (Kreyòl Ayisyen) link
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Share पार्किङ्ग एण्ड कर्व प्रयोग सर्भेक्षण (नेपाली) on Facebook Share पार्किङ्ग एण्ड कर्व प्रयोग सर्भेक्षण (नेपाली) on Twitter Share पार्किङ्ग एण्ड कर्व प्रयोग सर्भेक्षण (नेपाली) on Linkedin Email पार्किङ्ग एण्ड कर्व प्रयोग सर्भेक्षण (नेपाली) link
Who's Listening
Important Documents
Parking Study Task Force Meeting - Sept 2021 (6.25 MB) (pdf)
Somerville Residents - Means of Transportation to Work (94.2 KB) (pdf)
Citywide Parking & Curb-Use Study Community Meeting 1 Presentation Slides.pdf (8.62 MB) (pdf)
CurbStudy_Community_Meeting_1_Menti_Questions_Session1.pdf (245 KB) (pdf)
CurbStudy_Community_Meeting_1_Menti_Questions_Session2.pdf (2.49 MB) (pdf)
Somerville Curb Profile (13.4 MB) (pdf)
Curb Use and Parking Study Survey Responses Summary Report (1.48 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting Flyers
Second Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Spanish) (476 KB) (pdf)
Second Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Haitian Kreyol) (476 KB) (pdf)
Second Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Portuguese) (1.42 MB) (pdf)
Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Findings Community Meeting Flyer (English) (476 KB) (pdf)
Citywide Curb-Use and Parking Public Meeting #2 Presentation Slides (5.96 MB) (pdf)
Draft Somerville Curb and Parking Recommendations June 2022 (3.99 MB) (pdf)
Recommendations Survey Flyers
Parking Study Recommendations Survey Flyer (English).pdf (533 KB) (pdf)
Parking Study Recommendations Survey Flyer (Haitian Creole).pdf (532 KB) (pdf)
Parking Study Recommendations Survey Flyer (Nepali).pdf (538 KB) (pdf)
Parking Study Recommendations Survey Flyer (Portuguese).pdf (532 KB) (pdf)
Parking Study Recommendations Survey Flyer (Simplified Chinese).pdf (729 KB) (pdf)
Parking Study Recommendations Survey Flyer (Spanish).pdf (532 KB) (pdf)
Parking Study Recommendations Survey Flyer (Traditional Chinese).pdf (744 KB) (pdf)
Final Report Materials
Citywide Parking & Curb-Use Policy Final Report (5.94 MB) (pdf)
Third Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (English).pdf (1.05 MB) (pdf)
Third Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Spanish).pdf (1.27 MB) (pdf)
Third Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Haitian Creole) (1.66 MB) (pdf)
Third Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Nepali) (1.68 MB) (pdf)
Third Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Simplified Chinese) (1.91 MB) (pdf)
Third Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Traditional Chinese) (1.32 MB) (pdf)
Third Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting Flyer (Portuguese) (1.27 MB) (pdf)
Citywide Parking and Curb Use Study Community Meeting #3 Presentation Slides (6.5 MB) (pdf)
Citywide Parking Curb Use Study Recommendations Feedback Survey Report Fall 2022 (461 KB) (pdf)
Click here to play video Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting #1 Daytime Session
Click here to play video Citywide Parking & Curb Use Study Community Meeting #1 Evening Session
Click here to play video Citywide Parking & Curb-Use Study Meeting #2 June 27, 2022
Click here to play video Citywide Parking & Curb-Use Study Meeting #2 June 29, 2022
Click here to play video Citywide Parking Study Business Town Hall 7.27.22