Spring '23 Construction Kick-off

Starting as early as next week (3/27) or soon after, City contractors will begin work to reconstruct and improve Pearl St. between McGrath Highway and Mount Vernon St., as well as nearby intersections.

Anticipated Work Schedule (subject to change):

Construction is expected to begin as early as Monday, March, 27th or soon after and continue through the fall. Work hours are weekdays, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Initial Locations and Descriptions of Work:

  • Work will start on the eastern end of the project limits on Pearl St. between Mt Vernon St. and Myrtle St.
    • initial work will include tree protection and preliminary work on sidewalk reconstruction
  • Construction planned near the East Somerville Community School will take place later in the summer while classes are not in session.

Anticipated Construction Impacts:

  • Some on-street parking may be temporarily restricted
  • Periodic road closures may be required during work hours (detours provided)
  • Trash/recycling pick-ups, deliveries, and bus access will not be affected

If you have questions, please call the Engineering Division at 617-625-6600 ext. 5400 or email construction@somervillema.gov.

Review the final design and planned improvements:

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