Draft plan is live! Tell us what you think!

Offshoots, Inc. has completed the draft Somerville Pollinator Action Plan and it is uploaded on this page for your review. This document is informed by extensive work with the Pollinator Action Plan Advisory Committee (made up of community members and City of Somerville staff) since April 2023. We are all reading it closely now to decide what it needs to go from draft to final.

Look for the area on this page titled "Documents" either on the right side of your screen or by scrolling all the way down. Also check out the 'Videos' on this page for a recording of the June 10th presentation of the draft!

We'd LOVE to hear from you. Please take a look at the draft text PDF and the supplemental files (that's where all the charts, diagrams, and drawings are). You are welcome to email us at spap@somervillema.gov or call our office (ext. 2517) to share your feedback. You can even jot your thoughts down on a napkin and send us a picture! Or navigate to the Questions/Comments tab and post your thoughts in there. We want to know what you think.

Things to consider while reading:

  • Does this document seem useful to you? What is helpful about it? What do you connect with most?
  • Is anything confusing?
  • Is something missing that would help you participate in this effort? Somerville can't become a habitat-rich city without help from everyone. Do you see ways you can join the effort?

Thanks for helping us write the best pollinator plan possible!

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