Gilman Square Plan Implementation

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Photo from July 2019 Gilman Square meeting.

The Gilman Square Station Area Plan was finalized in February of 2014. Since then, a lot has changed: the Green Line station design has evolved, we have received better information about the subsurface infrastructure that affects the intersection design, and the Somerville Zoning Overhaul has everyone thinking about zoning.

In addition, the Gilman Square Neighborhood Association (GSNA) formed in 2018. This group of residents and business owners meets regularly and hosts block parties, neighborly gatherings, and advocates for the neighborhood. In 2019, GSNA and the City signed an agreement to work collaboratively on the implementation of the neighborhood plan in Gilman Square. Since then, GSNA and the City have co-hosted community events together, discussed proposed developments in the area, and planned for future development projects like the Homans Building.

Now, GSNA and the City are working together to implement the neighborhood plan. We're strategizing around important sites like the Homans Building and working together to ensure we get broad participation in creating the future of Gilman Square.

Gilman Square community update in early 2023

A community update meeting was held on February 1st, 2023, to share updates from the past year related to Gilman Square and especially the Homans site (350 Medford Street).

The main updates were related to development of the Homans site. The City's Engineering Department confirmed that the potential installation of a stormwater tank at the Homans site would not preclude development, and that the City would find other ways to alleviate flooding if development of the site moved faster than the timeline to install a tank (which is reliant on other stormwater system improvements).

The City's Economic Development Division of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) also informed the public that before the site can be developed, the City will need to complete a Disposition Plan to determine the City's priorities for disposing of City-owned parcels in different parts of the City, with the expectation that the Homans site will be a top priority. The City will then likely go through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process to identify potential development options for the site, and may then consider the use of an Urban Renewal Plan in Gilman Square with community input. This will all likely take at least two years. In the meantime, the City plans to work with the Gilman Square Civic Advisory Committee to activate the square in the short term, and plans to release an RFP in the coming months to facilitate this process. The City also reviewed mobility-related updates at this meeting related to the opening of the Green Line station in Gilman Square and a needed detour to the Community Path, amongst other topics.

Presentation slides from February 1st and a Video Recording are available.

Learning about Priorities for the Redevelopment of City-owned Properties in Gilman Square

A community meeting to kick off the conversation around priorities for redeveloping the City-owned properties in Gilman Square was held on March 14th, 2022. The presentation described the history of these properties and the vision for their future that has been in development since 2014. In this current phase, we want to hear what’s on your priority list for when these properties are redeveloped. Are there particular business types, community spaces, and housing opportunities that you would like to see considered here?

Presentation Slides from March 14th and Video Recording are Available

See what meeting attendees had to say by reviewing the Jamboards from the breakout sessions.

Want to share your ideas? Take the online survey! | Faça o inquérito | Haz la encuesta

Missed the meeting in March? Join the City of Somerville and the Gilman Square Civic Advisory Committee for a midday repeat of the workshop on Wednesday May 11th from 12:00 - 1:30 pm.


On November 22nd, City staff provided an update on present and future projects in Gilman Square, presented the feasibility study for an accessible path from Marshall Street to the Medford Street Bridge and Community Path extension, discussed options for protected bicycle lanes on Medford Street and Pearl Street from the School Street to the Skilton Ave intersections, and gathered public feedback. Please refer to the recording and slides from the presentation. A survey was also conducted and the city's design team is now reviewing the feedback received. Thank you to all who participated!

Kreyòl Ayisyen: Pwojè sa se yon fason pou aplike plan ki genyen pou katye Gilman Square a. Pou entèpretasyon sou pwojè sa, tanpri kontakte 617-666-3311 oubyen voye on email nan:

Português: Este projeto trata da implementação do Plano de Vizinhança da Gilman Square. Para tradução em português sobre este projeto, entre em contato com 617-666-3311 ou por e-mail

Español: Este proyecto se trata de implementar el Plan Vecinal de Gilman Square. Para obtener información sobre este proyecto, comuníquese con 617-666-3311 o por correo electrónico

The Gilman Square Station Area Plan was finalized in February of 2014. Since then, a lot has changed: the Green Line station design has evolved, we have received better information about the subsurface infrastructure that affects the intersection design, and the Somerville Zoning Overhaul has everyone thinking about zoning.

In addition, the Gilman Square Neighborhood Association (GSNA) formed in 2018. This group of residents and business owners meets regularly and hosts block parties, neighborly gatherings, and advocates for the neighborhood. In 2019, GSNA and the City signed an agreement to work collaboratively on the implementation of the neighborhood plan in Gilman Square. Since then, GSNA and the City have co-hosted community events together, discussed proposed developments in the area, and planned for future development projects like the Homans Building.

Now, GSNA and the City are working together to implement the neighborhood plan. We're strategizing around important sites like the Homans Building and working together to ensure we get broad participation in creating the future of Gilman Square.

Gilman Square community update in early 2023

A community update meeting was held on February 1st, 2023, to share updates from the past year related to Gilman Square and especially the Homans site (350 Medford Street).

The main updates were related to development of the Homans site. The City's Engineering Department confirmed that the potential installation of a stormwater tank at the Homans site would not preclude development, and that the City would find other ways to alleviate flooding if development of the site moved faster than the timeline to install a tank (which is reliant on other stormwater system improvements).

The City's Economic Development Division of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) also informed the public that before the site can be developed, the City will need to complete a Disposition Plan to determine the City's priorities for disposing of City-owned parcels in different parts of the City, with the expectation that the Homans site will be a top priority. The City will then likely go through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process to identify potential development options for the site, and may then consider the use of an Urban Renewal Plan in Gilman Square with community input. This will all likely take at least two years. In the meantime, the City plans to work with the Gilman Square Civic Advisory Committee to activate the square in the short term, and plans to release an RFP in the coming months to facilitate this process. The City also reviewed mobility-related updates at this meeting related to the opening of the Green Line station in Gilman Square and a needed detour to the Community Path, amongst other topics.

Presentation slides from February 1st and a Video Recording are available.

Learning about Priorities for the Redevelopment of City-owned Properties in Gilman Square

A community meeting to kick off the conversation around priorities for redeveloping the City-owned properties in Gilman Square was held on March 14th, 2022. The presentation described the history of these properties and the vision for their future that has been in development since 2014. In this current phase, we want to hear what’s on your priority list for when these properties are redeveloped. Are there particular business types, community spaces, and housing opportunities that you would like to see considered here?

Presentation Slides from March 14th and Video Recording are Available

See what meeting attendees had to say by reviewing the Jamboards from the breakout sessions.

Want to share your ideas? Take the online survey! | Faça o inquérito | Haz la encuesta

Missed the meeting in March? Join the City of Somerville and the Gilman Square Civic Advisory Committee for a midday repeat of the workshop on Wednesday May 11th from 12:00 - 1:30 pm.


On November 22nd, City staff provided an update on present and future projects in Gilman Square, presented the feasibility study for an accessible path from Marshall Street to the Medford Street Bridge and Community Path extension, discussed options for protected bicycle lanes on Medford Street and Pearl Street from the School Street to the Skilton Ave intersections, and gathered public feedback. Please refer to the recording and slides from the presentation. A survey was also conducted and the city's design team is now reviewing the feedback received. Thank you to all who participated!

Kreyòl Ayisyen: Pwojè sa se yon fason pou aplike plan ki genyen pou katye Gilman Square a. Pou entèpretasyon sou pwojè sa, tanpri kontakte 617-666-3311 oubyen voye on email nan:

Português: Este projeto trata da implementação do Plano de Vizinhança da Gilman Square. Para tradução em português sobre este projeto, entre em contato com 617-666-3311 ou por e-mail

Español: Este proyecto se trata de implementar el Plan Vecinal de Gilman Square. Para obtener información sobre este proyecto, comuníquese con 617-666-3311 o por correo electrónico

  • The City owns two properties in Gilman Square that are being considered for redevelopment: 350 Medford St, also known as the Homans Site, and the "Triangle Lot," the green slope at the intersection of Pearl St and Medford St. The City is also considering an urban renewal plan in Gilman Square. This would allow the City to take the Mobil station property, 360 Medford St, and would accelerate coordination between new development on both 350 and 360 Medford Street. There has not been any decision about connecting in the Mobil site, and that decision will be guided by how important combining the sites is to meet community priorities. 

    The next step in making a decision about how to proceed is to check in with Gilman Square residents, businesses, artists, and other stakeholders about your priorities for what happens next on these sites. Let us know what you think about the future of Gilman Square.

    This survey mirrors the breakout room discussions during the March 14th community meeting. If you would like to know more about what was discussed, Presentation Slides and a video recording are available. You can see what meeting attendees had to say by reviewing the Jamboards from the breakout sessions.

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  • La Ciudad posee dos propiedades en Gilman Square que se están considerando para remodelación: 350 Medford St, también conocida como el Sitio Homans, y "Triangle Lot", la pendiente verde en la intersección de Pearl St y Medford St. La Ciudad también está considerando un plan de renovación urbana en Gilman Square. Esto permitiría a la Ciudad tomar la propiedad de la estación Mobil, 360 Medford St, y aceleraría la coordinación entre los nuevos desarrollos en 350 y 360 Medford Street. No ha habido ninguna decisión sobre la conexión en el sitio de Mobil, y esa decisión se guiará por la importancia de combinar los sitios para cumplir con las prioridades de la comunidad. 

    El siguiente paso para tomar una decisión sobre cómo proceder es consultar con los residentes, empresas, artistas y otras partes interesadas de Gilman Square sobre sus prioridades para lo que sucederá a continuación en estos sitios. Háganos saber lo que piensa sobre el futuro de Gilman Square.

    Esta encuesta refleja las discusiones de la sala de trabajo durante la reunión comunitaria del 14 de marzo. Si desea saber más sobre lo que se discutió, las diapositivas de presentación y una grabación de video están disponibles. Puede ver lo que dijeron los asistentes a la reunión revisando los Jamboards de las sesiones de grupo.

    Take Survey
    Share Comparta sus prioridades para la reconstrucción de Gilman Square on Facebook Share Comparta sus prioridades para la reconstrucción de Gilman Square on Twitter Share Comparta sus prioridades para la reconstrucción de Gilman Square on Linkedin Email Comparta sus prioridades para la reconstrucción de Gilman Square link
  • A prefeitura possui duas propriedades na Gilman Square, as quais estão sendo consideradas para revitalização: 350 Medford St, também conhecida como Homans Site, e o "Triangle Lot", o declive verde na interseção da Pearl St e Medford St. A prefeitura também está considerando um plano de redesenho urbano da Gilman Square. Isso permitiria que a cidade adquirisse a propriedade do posto Mobil, 360 Medford St, e aceleraria a coordenação entre novos empreendimentos, tanto no número 350 quanto 360 da Medford Street. Ainda não houve decisão sobre conectar a área referida à do posto Mobil, e essa decisão será guiada pela importância de unir os locais para atender às prioridades da comunidade. 

    O próximo passo para decidir sobre como proceder nesses locais é verificar quais são as prioridades dos moradores, comerciantes, artistas e outras partes interessadas da Gilman Square. Compartilhe conosco o que você pensa sobre o futuro da Gilman Square.

    Esta pesquisa reflete os debates ocorridos na sala de discussão durante a reunião comunitária realizada em 14 de março. Se você quiser saber mais sobre o que foi discutido, estão disponíveis Slides de apresentação e uma gravação de vídeo . Você pode acompanhar o que os participantes da reunião disseram analisando os Jamboards das sessões de discussão .

    Take Survey
    Share Compartilhe suas prioridades para a revitalização da Gilman Square on Facebook Share Compartilhe suas prioridades para a revitalização da Gilman Square on Twitter Share Compartilhe suas prioridades para a revitalização da Gilman Square on Linkedin Email Compartilhe suas prioridades para a revitalização da Gilman Square link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share Apply to join the Gilman Square City Redevelopment Parcels - Civic Advisory Committee on Facebook Share Apply to join the Gilman Square City Redevelopment Parcels - Civic Advisory Committee on Twitter Share Apply to join the Gilman Square City Redevelopment Parcels - Civic Advisory Committee on Linkedin Email Apply to join the Gilman Square City Redevelopment Parcels - Civic Advisory Committee link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share Gilman Square Street Design Feedback Survey on Facebook Share Gilman Square Street Design Feedback Survey on Twitter Share Gilman Square Street Design Feedback Survey on Linkedin Email Gilman Square Street Design Feedback Survey link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share Encuesta de comentarios sobre el diseño de Gilman Square Street on Facebook Share Encuesta de comentarios sobre el diseño de Gilman Square Street on Twitter Share Encuesta de comentarios sobre el diseño de Gilman Square Street on Linkedin Email Encuesta de comentarios sobre el diseño de Gilman Square Street link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share Pesquisa de Opinião sobre o Design da Gilman Square Street on Facebook Share Pesquisa de Opinião sobre o Design da Gilman Square Street on Twitter Share Pesquisa de Opinião sobre o Design da Gilman Square Street on Linkedin Email Pesquisa de Opinião sobre o Design da Gilman Square Street link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share Sondaj sou fidbak sou renouvèlman Gilman Square Street la on Facebook Share Sondaj sou fidbak sou renouvèlman Gilman Square Street la on Twitter Share Sondaj sou fidbak sou renouvèlman Gilman Square Street la on Linkedin Email Sondaj sou fidbak sou renouvèlman Gilman Square Street la link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share गिलम्यान स्क्वायर सडक योजना प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण on Facebook Share गिलम्यान स्क्वायर सडक योजना प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण on Twitter Share गिलम्यान स्क्वायर सडक योजना प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण on Linkedin Email गिलम्यान स्क्वायर सडक योजना प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    At the public meeting in February three concepts were presented. Over the summer these concepts were advanced based on  feedback the City collected during the public meeting and through an online survey. The resulting design was presented at a public meeting on October 07, 2020.   As we work with you towards a final design, there are more decisions that need to be made and we want to understand what's important to you and what you want to see in the next phase of design.

    Share We are looking for feedback on the Roadway and Intersections improvements presented on October 07, 2020 (see posted presentation under Document Library) on Facebook Share We are looking for feedback on the Roadway and Intersections improvements presented on October 07, 2020 (see posted presentation under Document Library) on Twitter Share We are looking for feedback on the Roadway and Intersections improvements presented on October 07, 2020 (see posted presentation under Document Library) on Linkedin Email We are looking for feedback on the Roadway and Intersections improvements presented on October 07, 2020 (see posted presentation under Document Library) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Let us know what you think about the proposed streetscape and intersection designs! 

    Share What do you think about the proposed improvements to the streets and intersections in Gilman Square? on Facebook Share What do you think about the proposed improvements to the streets and intersections in Gilman Square? on Twitter Share What do you think about the proposed improvements to the streets and intersections in Gilman Square? on Linkedin Email What do you think about the proposed improvements to the streets and intersections in Gilman Square? link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Let us know what you think about the six schemes presented at the March 10th community meeting and about your priorities for open space and site design. This survey will be open until Thursday April 22nd at 9am.

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Page last updated: 09 Feb 2023, 06:09 PM