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You are invited to a virtual public meeting to discuss improving water quality in our rivers through the development of an updated CSO Control Plan.
This meeting is a collaboration between the City of Somerville, the City of Cambridge, and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Join us for this joint public meeting to learn about the alternatives developed so far to control combined sewer overflows and how the affordability will be evaluated for each entity.
The meeting will take place virtually on Zoom.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6 p.m.
La ciudad de Somerville puede proporcionarle un intérprete en su idioma de forma gratuita. Para solicitar un intérprete, comuníquese con nosotros a través de o llame al 311 (617-666-3311) al menos con 7 días de anticipación al evento.
A Prefeitura de Somerville pode fornecer um intérprete em seu idioma gratuitamente. Para solicitar um intérprete, entre em contato conosco por ou ligue para 311 (617-666-3311) com pelo menos 7 dias de antecedência ao evento.
Vil Somerville ka ba ou yon entèprèt nan lang ou gratis. Pou mande yon entèprèt, tanpri kontakte nou nan oswa rele 311 (617-666-3311) omwen 7 jou davans evènman sa a.
समरभिल सिटिले तपाँईलाई तपाँईको भाषामा नि:शुल्क अनुवादक उपलब्ध गराउन सक्छ। अनुवादक अनुरोध गर्न कृपया हामीलाई कार्यक्रमको कम्तिमा ७ दिन अगाडि मा इमेल मार्फत वा ३११ (६१७-६६६-३३११) मा फोन मार्फत सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्।
Somerville সিটি আপনাকে বিনামূল্যে আপনার ভাষার একজন দোভাষী প্রদান করতে পারে। দোভাষীর জন্য অনুরোধ করতে, অনুগ্রহ করেএ আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন বা এই ইভেন্টের অন্তত 7 দিন আগে 311 (617-666-3311) নম্বরে কল করুন।
የSomerville ከተማ አስተዳደር እርስዎ ባሹት ቋንቋ፣ ያለ ምንም ክፍያ አስተርጓሚ ሊያቀርብልዎ ይችላል። አስተርጓሚ እንዲቀርብልዎ ለመጠየቅ፣ እባክዎ ከስብሰባው ቢያንስ 7 ቀን አስቀድመው ወደ ኢሜይል ይጻፉ ወይም ወደ 311 (617-666-3311) ይደውሉ።
Persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aids or reasonable modifications should please contact Adrienne Pomeroy in advance at 617-625-6600 x 2059 or
Las personas con discapacidades que necesiten ayudas auxiliares o modificaciones razonables deben comunicarse con anticipación con Adrienne Pomeroy al 617-625-6600 x 2059 o
Pessoas com deficiências que necessitem de suporte adicional ou acomodações razoáveis devem entrar em contato com Adrienne Pomeroy antecipadamente pelo telefone 617-625-6600, ramal 2059, ou pelo e-mail
Moun ki gen andikap ki bezwen èd oksilyè oswa modifikasyon rezonab dwe kontakte Adrienne Pomeroy davans nan 617-625-6600 x 2059 oswa
अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरू जसलाई सहायताहरू वा उचित परिमार्जनहरू चाहिन्छ कृपया एड्रियन पमोरोईलाई (६१७)६२५-६६०० X२०५९ / (617)625-6600 X2059 वा मा अग्रिम सम्पर्क गर्नुपर्छ।
প্রতিবন্ধী ব্যক্তি যাদের কার্যকরভাবে যোগাযোগের জন্য সাহায্য বা যুক্তিসঙ্গত পরিবর্তন প্রয়োজন, তারা অনুগ্রহ করে অগ্রিম Adrienne Pomeroy-এর সাথে 617-625-6600 x 2059 নম্বরে অথবা এই ঠিকানায় যোগাযোগ করুন।
አካል ጉዳተኛ የሆናችሁ ተጨማሪ እገዛ ወይም ምክንያታዊ ማሻሻያዎች እንዲደረግላችሁ የምትፈልጉ ሰዎች እባካችሁ አስቀድማችሁ Adrienne Pomeroy በ 617-625-6600 x 2059 ወይም ላይ ማነጋገር አለባችሁ።
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Over the past several decades, MWRA, in collaboration with CSO communities, including Cambridge and Somerville, has achieved significant CSO reductions and improvements in water quality in the water bodies of metro Boston.
CSO Reduction
The MWRA’s original CSO control plan - CSO Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) - was first developed in the late 1990s. MWRA and the CSO communities have:
- implemented 35 CSO projects.
- spent over $1 billion on implementation efforts.
- closed or accomplished LTCP goals for 72 out of the 86 CSO outfalls:
- 10 of 19 Charles River CSO outfalls have been closed with a CSO volume reduction of 98% since 1992.
- 9 of 16 outfalls on the Upper Mystic River and Alewife Brook have been closed, with a CSO volume reduction of 69% since 1992.
- accomplished an 88% reduction of CSO volume discharges, from the 1980’s average of 3,200 millions gallons annually to 396 million gallons in the typical year as of the end of 2022. The CSO discharge volume required by the LTCP is 404 million gallons annually.
- treated 95% of the remaining CSO volume discharged. Treatment of the CSO discharges includes screening and disinfection.
- improved pumping capacity at the Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- improved the way the pipe and pump system is operated.

Water Quality
Water quality in the Lower Charles River Basin and the Alewife Brook/Upper Mystic River Basin has improved tremendously over the last 30 years, in part due to significant reductions in CSO discharges and stormwater pollution controls implemented by communities along these water bodies. As shown in the figures below, there has been noticeable improvement in the level of the sewerage indicator bacteria (Enterococcus) in the rivers and harbor since MWRA began implementation of the LTCP. Average bacteria counts during heavy rain, when the rivers are affected by contaminated stormwater and CSO discharges, have decreased substantially. While showing substantial improvements since the 1990s, Alewife Brook continues to have higher bacteria levels than the other water bodies. Certainly there is more work to be done and MWRA and CSO community partners are continuing to do our part to further the remarkable achievements that have been made to date.