Open Space and Recreation Plan Update (2024-2031)

The new draft OSRP is posted in the "Documents" tab here. It will be available until February 12th for public comment. Email us or post a note in the "Questions & Comments" tab to share your input.
The Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development updates the City’s Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) every seven years. This document will guide City work on parks, sports fields, open space, conservation land, and recreational programming.
It is important that we hear from YOU! Your participation will reveal what matters to the residents of Somerville. We want our goals to meet your needs. The OSRP "Action Plan" will emerge directly from community outreach, conversations with City staff, and data analysis. So, get involved! Stay informed! Share your thoughts!
Next steps?
* Review the draft plan and share your comments.
* Check out our past OSRP and see what mattered to constituents in 2016.
* Share an idea below about what open space amenities you wish we had in Somerville!
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Questions? Comments?
Let us know here if you have any questions about this process or open space planning. You can also register comments about public space and recreational programs in Somerville through this portal. We want to hear from you!