Open Space and Recreation Plan Update (2024-2031)

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left: pollinator demonstration garden sign, center: kids play on playground at Healey School, right: field at Glen Park

The new draft OSRP is posted in the "Documents" tab here. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. Staff will be working to integrate comments and finalize the plan in the coming weeks.

The Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development updates the City’s Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) every seven years. This document will guide City work on parks, sports fields, open space, conservation land, and recreational programming.

It is important that we hear from YOU! Your participation will reveal what matters to the residents of Somerville. We want our goals to meet your needs. The OSRP "Action Plan" will emerge directly from community outreach, conversations with City staff, and data analysis. So, get involved! Stay informed! Share your thoughts!

Next steps?

* Review the draft plan and share your comments.

* Check out our past OSRP and see what mattered to constituents in 2016.

* Share an idea below about what open space amenities you wish we had in Somerville!

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यदि आफ्नो भाषामा सहायता चाहिन्छ भने कृपया सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस: गर्नुहोस् वा यो ३११ (६१७-६६६-३३११) / 311 (617-666-3311)   

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如果您需要语言方面的协助,请联系 (或者请拨打 311(617-666-3311)。

The new draft OSRP is posted in the "Documents" tab here. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. Staff will be working to integrate comments and finalize the plan in the coming weeks.

The Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development updates the City’s Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) every seven years. This document will guide City work on parks, sports fields, open space, conservation land, and recreational programming.

It is important that we hear from YOU! Your participation will reveal what matters to the residents of Somerville. We want our goals to meet your needs. The OSRP "Action Plan" will emerge directly from community outreach, conversations with City staff, and data analysis. So, get involved! Stay informed! Share your thoughts!

Next steps?

* Review the draft plan and share your comments.

* Check out our past OSRP and see what mattered to constituents in 2016.

* Share an idea below about what open space amenities you wish we had in Somerville!

Si necesita ayuda en su idioma, comuníquese con nosotros a través de o llame al 311 (617-666-3311)      

Caso precise de assistência em seu idioma, entre em contato conosco por meio deste formulário online: ou ligue para 311 (617-666-3311)      

Si ou bezwen asistans nan lang ou a, kontakte nou nan oswa rele 311 (617-666-3311)    

यदि आफ्नो भाषामा सहायता चाहिन्छ भने कृपया सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस: गर्नुहोस् वा यो ३११ (६१७-६६६-३३११) / 311 (617-666-3311)   

如果您需要語言方面的協助 請撥打 311 (617-666-3311) 或於 聯絡 彩薩默: 移民事務辦公室。  

如果您需要语言方面的协助,请联系 (或者请拨打 311(617-666-3311)。

  • Thanks so much!

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    Thank you to everyone who shared a comment on the draft OSRP document. Staff will take some time over the next couple weeks to integrate that feedback and finalize the plan text and the layout. We appreciate the time it takes to review documents like this and we are grateful for your attention.

  • Draft OSRP Posted for Public Comment

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    Greetings! We have posted a draft version of the full Open Space & Recreation Plan (OSRP) to the "Documents" tab of this page for public comment. You can also find it by clicking here.

    We’d love to hear your comments and feedback before February 12th, 2025. You are welcome to email us ( or you can log your comments under the “Questions & Comments” tab.

    This is a very large document, we know! The State has strict guidelines about what needs to be included (you can find out more about them here), so it covers everything from Somerville history, to river water quality, to climate change vulnerability, to recreational programs. If you don't want to read it all, look at the table of contents on page 2 for areas of particular interest.

    Here are a few sections you might want to check out:

    • Section 1 – a summary of the plan’s major themes.
    • Sections 2 and 6 – descriptions of public engagement efforts.
    • Section 10 – a summary of survey and community meeting comments.
    • Section 7 – an analysis of community needs based on public feedback.
    • Sections 8 and 9 – the overarching goals and more specific action items that emerged from public feedback and stakeholder conversations to guide City staff and community partners for the next 7 years.
    • Appendix C: Parks Prioritization Matrix – the method we used to develop a list of parks that are high on the priority list for upgrades and renovations (in Section 9).

    We heard from over 750 Somerville residents in addition to City staff, committee members, and stakeholders! The OSRP attempts to integrate as many comments as possible and speaks to patterns we see in all that feedback. We couldn't have done this without your input.

    Thank you for taking the time to share what matters to you.

  • There is still time to share your comments!

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    Hello all,

    While we have closed to survey and completed our public meetings, there are still ways you can make your voice heard.

    1) Open this document that summarizes our findings and tell us if you agree or disagree: OSRP Virtual Community Visioning Session Slides (Jan 25th) . Did we miss something? Are we spot on?

    2) Look out for the draft version of the plan. We will accept comments from the public for a couple weeks after it goes live. That will help us make final edits.

    3) Sign up to receive updates on the project on this page under "Stay Informed." We'll let you know when the draft plan is ready for comments.

    4) You can share a comment or question on this webpage by going to the "Questions & Comments" tab just above this article.

    5) Or, email us directly: We would love to hear what you need/want from our open spaces and recreational programs!

    Thanks for sharing what matters to you. It matters to us!

  • January 25th: Come Review our Draft Goals!

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    Hello all!

    Thanks for following our process. I appreciate you being here.

    On January 25th from 6-7:15pm we're going to have a VIRTUAL community visioning session. This meeting will be different from our first two. City staff are going to try to coalesce your feedback and develop some overarching goals. We want to know if we heard you correctly and if our draft goals reflect your needs.

    Please register in advance for this webinar. You can do so at this link:
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

    If you can’t attend the meeting on Thursday, don’t worry! The slides and draft goals will be posted here on the SomerVoice page on Thursday. You can write your comments/questions on this site in the “Questions” tab.

    Or, as always, you can email your feedback to Alison Maurer, Planner of Ecological Restoration, at:

    Thanks again!

  • Save the Dates - Community Visioning Sessions!

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    Our residents know the city better than anyone. You know what works, what doesn't, what you need, what you love. Please come tell us at a Community Visioning Session! We want to hear your thoughts about open space and recreational programs. Your input will directly shape our City's priorities in the next 7 years.

    In-Person Meetings:

    • Wednesday, January 10th from 6:30-8pm at Somerville Public Library West Branch (40 College Ave)
    • Thursday, January 11th from 6:30-8pm at Capuano School Cafeteria (150 Glen St)

    Virtual Meeting:

    We hope to see you there!

    While you're at it, don't forget to take the survey:

  • Take our survey!

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    The Open Space & Recreation Plan lays out the priorities and goals for the next seven years. How do we decide what those goals are? By talking to you! One way you can tell us what is important to you is by taking our survey. It will only take 5 minutes and will have seven years of impact!

    Please take the time to fill out the survey and share it with you family members, your kids, your friends, and your colleagues in Somerville. We want to hear from you all!

    Navigate to the survey tab on this webpage or click on the link below:


  • Come chat with us: October 22, 10-3pm

    Share Come chat with us: October 22, 10-3pm on Facebook Share Come chat with us: October 22, 10-3pm on Twitter Share Come chat with us: October 22, 10-3pm on Linkedin Email Come chat with us: October 22, 10-3pm link
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    Hello residents!

    If you would like to connect with City staff from Public Space & Urban Forestry about your vision for Somerville, find us at the Miyawaki forest planting on October 22nd. We will have extra staff available to discuss what you hope to see from your open spaces (parks, playgrounds, sports fields, etc.) and your recreational programming in the coming years.

    Come say hello!

    Address: approximately 310 Medford St. on the back side of Somerville High School. Directly adjacent to their loading dock driveway.

    Time: 10-3pm

  • Come see us today, Sept. 15 from 3-7pm

    Share Come see us today, Sept. 15 from 3-7pm on Facebook Share Come see us today, Sept. 15 from 3-7pm on Twitter Share Come see us today, Sept. 15 from 3-7pm on Linkedin Email Come see us today, Sept. 15 from 3-7pm link
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    If you'd like to talk to City staff about what matters to you, please join us in front of 243 Elm Street in Davis Square. In honor of PARK(ing) Day, we are setting up a parklet from 3-7pm on September 15th.

    "Park(ing) day is a global, public, participatory project where people across the world temporarily repurpose curbside parking spaces and convert them into public parks and social spaces to advocate for safer, greener, and more equitable streets for people" (

    If you'd like to start the conversation with us about what goals you want the City to set for open space and recreation, come find us there! If you can't make it, don't worry. There will be many more opportunities. Just click the "Stay Informed" button to receive future updates.

    Thanks for your participation!

Page last updated: 31 Mar 2025, 09:47 AM