Climate Forward Update

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The City of Somerville updated its community climate action plan, Climate Forward, in 2024. This plan establishes 5 key focus areas and 77 actions for an equitable, carbon net-negative, resilient, and thriving community

Climate Forward is Somerville’s plan to creating a strong, healthy community in the face of climate change while simultaneously reducing climate pollution, also referred to as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and our dependence on fossil fuels.

Climate Forward builds upon the successes over the past five years, since the first iteration of Climate Forward was released in 2018. Drawing upon community feedback and the latest climate data, this plan lays out new priorities and strategies that will be implemented through 2035 across different sectors, including energy, buildings, natural resources, mobility, waste, and community health.

Climate Forward holds Somerville to a higher standard in terms of reducing GHG emissions, the primary pollution causing climate change. Not only is Somerville committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but Mayor Ballantyne’s Administration aspires to reach carbon net-negative in the future as well.

 Learn more about the plan at

The City of Somerville updated its community climate action plan, Climate Forward, in 2024. This plan establishes 5 key focus areas and 77 actions for an equitable, carbon net-negative, resilient, and thriving community

Climate Forward is Somerville’s plan to creating a strong, healthy community in the face of climate change while simultaneously reducing climate pollution, also referred to as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and our dependence on fossil fuels.

Climate Forward builds upon the successes over the past five years, since the first iteration of Climate Forward was released in 2018. Drawing upon community feedback and the latest climate data, this plan lays out new priorities and strategies that will be implemented through 2035 across different sectors, including energy, buildings, natural resources, mobility, waste, and community health.

Climate Forward holds Somerville to a higher standard in terms of reducing GHG emissions, the primary pollution causing climate change. Not only is Somerville committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but Mayor Ballantyne’s Administration aspires to reach carbon net-negative in the future as well.

 Learn more about the plan at

Discussions: All (7) Open (0)
  • Climate Forward Focus Group [English]

    about 1 year ago
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    The City of Somerville Office of Sustainability and Environment is seeking volunteers to participate in focus groups on the topic of updating the City's climate action plan, Climate Forward. Our goal is to gain valuable perspectives and expertise by engaging with members of the community on climate change. The results will be used to advise the Climate Forward update.

    Please fill out this online form to sign up for a focus group:

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  • Grupos de discusión Climate Forward [Español]

    about 1 year ago
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    La Oficina de Sostenibilidad y Medioambiente de la ciudad de Somerville busca voluntarios para participar en grupos de discusión sobre la actualización del plan de acción climática de la ciudad, Climate Forward. Nuestro objetivo es obtener perspectivas y conocimientos valiosos al interactuar con miembros de la comunidad sobre el cambio climático. Los resultados se utilizarán para asesorar en la actualización de Climate Forward.

    Complete este formulario para inscribirse en un grupo de discusión:

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  • Climate Forward Grupos de Foco [Portugues] 

    about 1 year ago
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    A Secretaria de Sustentabilidade e Meio Ambiente da Cidade de Somerville está buscando voluntários para participarem de grupos de foco sobre a atualização do plano de ação climática da cidade, o Climate Forward. Nosso objetivo é obter pontos de vista e conhecimentos valiosos sobre a mudança climática com a participação de membros da comunidade. Os resultados serão usados para orientar a atualização do Climate Forward.

    Preencha este formulário para se inscrever em um grupo de foco:

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  • Climate Forward Gwoup Refleksyon [Kreyòl Ayisyen]

    about 1 year ago
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    Biwo Devlòpman Dirab ak Anviwònman Meri Somerville la  ap chèche volontè pou patisipe nan gwoup refleksyon sou sijè mizajou plan aksyon klimatik Vil la, Climate Forward. Objektif nou se benefisye konesans ak kapasite ekspè lè n ap angaje n ak manm kominote a sou sijè chanjman klimatik la. N ap itilize resous yo pou n jwenn plis konsèy sou mizajou Climate Forward la.

    Tanpri ranpli fòm sa a pou w ka enskri pou yon gwoup refleksyon:
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  • क्लाइमेट फरवार्ड फोकस समूहहरू [नेपाली]

    about 1 year ago
    Share क्लाइमेट फरवार्ड फोकस समूहहरू [नेपाली] on Facebook Share क्लाइमेट फरवार्ड फोकस समूहहरू [नेपाली] on Twitter Share क्लाइमेट फरवार्ड फोकस समूहहरू [नेपाली] on Linkedin Email क्लाइमेट फरवार्ड फोकस समूहहरू [नेपाली] link
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    Somerville सिटीको दीगोपना र वातावरण कार्यालयले सिटीको जलवायु कार्ययोजना, Climate Forward अद्यावधिक गर्ने विषयमा फोकस समूहहरूमा भाग लिन स्वयंसेवकहरू खोजिरहेको छ। हाम्रो लक्ष्य जलवायु परिवर्तनमा समुदायका सदस्यहरूसँग संलग्न भएर बहुमूल्य दृष्टिकोण र विशेषज्ञता प्राप्त गर्नु हो। नतिजाहरू Climate Forward अद्यावधिकलाई सल्लाह दिन प्रयोग गरिनेछ।

    फोकस समूहको लागि साइन अप गर्न कृपया यो फारम भर्नुहोस्।: 
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  • 气候改善专题小组活 [简体中文]

    about 1 year ago
    Share 气候改善专题小组活 [简体中文] on Facebook Share 气候改善专题小组活 [简体中文] on Twitter Share 气候改善专题小组活 [简体中文] on Linkedin Email 气候改善专题小组活 [简体中文] link
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  • 氣候前瞻性焦點小組 [繁體中文]

    about 1 year ago
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    薩默維爾市可持續發展與環境辦事處 (Office of Sustainability and Environment) 正在招募義工參與有關更新薩默維爾市氣候改善計劃的焦點小組。我們旨在與氣候變化社群成員互動,以收集重要觀點及專業知識。結果將用於更新氣候改善計劃。

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Page last updated: 22 Aug 2024, 09:17 AM