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The City of Somerville updated its community climate action plan, Climate Forward, in 2024. This plan establishes 5 key focus areas and 77 actions for an equitable, carbon net-negative, resilient, and thriving community
Climate Forward is Somerville’s plan to creating a strong, healthy community in the face of climate change while simultaneously reducing climate pollution, also referred to as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and our dependence on fossil fuels.
Climate Forward builds upon the successes over the past five years, since the first iteration of Climate Forward was released in 2018. Drawing upon community feedback and the latest climate data, this plan lays out new priorities and strategies that will be implemented through 2035 across different sectors, including energy, buildings, natural resources, mobility, waste, and community health.
Climate Forward holds Somerville to a higher standard in terms of reducing GHG emissions, the primary pollution causing climate change. Not only is Somerville committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but Mayor Ballantyne’s Administration aspires to reach carbon net-negative in the future as well.
The City of Somerville updated its community climate action plan, Climate Forward, in 2024. This plan establishes 5 key focus areas and 77 actions for an equitable, carbon net-negative, resilient, and thriving community
Climate Forward is Somerville’s plan to creating a strong, healthy community in the face of climate change while simultaneously reducing climate pollution, also referred to as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and our dependence on fossil fuels.
Climate Forward builds upon the successes over the past five years, since the first iteration of Climate Forward was released in 2018. Drawing upon community feedback and the latest climate data, this plan lays out new priorities and strategies that will be implemented through 2035 across different sectors, including energy, buildings, natural resources, mobility, waste, and community health.
Climate Forward holds Somerville to a higher standard in terms of reducing GHG emissions, the primary pollution causing climate change. Not only is Somerville committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but Mayor Ballantyne’s Administration aspires to reach carbon net-negative in the future as well.
Climate Forward isSomerville’s climate action plan that was released in 2018. The plan provides a roadmap to reduce our impact on our climate and to adapt to climate change in ways that reflect the needs and experiences of all community members.
We review the plan every five years and make changes to reflect evolving community goals, priorities, and values. Right now, we are updating the plan, and you can help shape Climate Forward with your feedback.Your input is essential forcreating a safe, healthy, and thriving city for all.
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Climate Forward es el plan de acción de Somerville que se lanzóen 2018 frente al cambioclimático. El plan proporcionauna hoja de ruta para reducirnuestroimpactosobreelclima y para adaptarnos al cambioclimático de unamanera que refleje las necesidades y experiencias de todoslosmiembros de la comunidad.
Revisamosel plan cadacincoaños y realizamoscambios para reflejar la evolución de losobjetivos, las prioridades y losvalores de la comunidad. En estemomentoestamosactualizandoel plan y sus comentariospuedenayudar a dar forma a Climate Forward. Su aporte es esencial para crearuna ciudad segura, saludable y próspera para todos.
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Climate Forward é o plano de açãoclimática de Somerville que foilançadoem 2018. O planofornece um roteiro para reduzirnossoimpacto no clima e nosadaptarmosàsmudançasclimáticas de maneiras que refletem as necessidades e experiências de todososmembros da comunidade.
Revisamos o plano a cadacincoanos e fazemosmudanças para refletiraevolução das metas, prioridades e valores da comunidade. No momento, estamosatualizando o plano e vocêpodeajudar a moldar o Climate Forward com seu feedback. Sua opinião é essencial para criarumacidadesegura, saudável e próspera para todos.
Climate Forward se plan aksyonpouklima Somerville ki tepibliye an 2018. Plan an bay yon gid poudiminyeenpaknou sou klimanou an epi pouadapteakchanjmanklimatik la yon fason ki refletebezwenaksitiyasyon tout manm nan kominote a.
Nouegzamine plan an chaksenk (5) an epi noufèchanjmanladanpourefletechanjman ki gen nan objektifyo, nan priyoriteyoak nan valè ki gen nan kominote a. Kounye a, n ap fèmizajou nan plan an, epi ou ka bay koutmen pa ou nan devlopman Climate Forward gras akkòmantèouyo. Patisipasyonouenpòtanpoukreye yon vil ki an sekirite, ki pwòp epi ki pwosperepou tout moun.
क्लाइमेटफरवार्डभनेको 2018 मारिलिजगरिएकोसमरभिलकोजलवायुकार्ययोजनाहो। योजनालेहाम्रोजलवायुमाहाम्रोप्रभावलाईघटाउन र सबैसमुदायकासदस्यहरूकोआवश्यकता र अनुभवहरूलाईप्रतिबिम्बितगर्नेतरिकालेजलवायुपरिवर्तनसँगअनुकूलनगर्नकालागिमार्गचित्रप्रदानगर्दछ।
हामीहरेकपाँचवर्षमायोजनाकोसमीक्षागर्छौँ र विकासशीलसामुदायिकलक्ष्य, प्राथमिकता र मूल्यहरूप्रतिबिम्बितगर्नपरिवर्तनहरूगर्छौँ। अहिले, हामीयोजनाअद्यावधिकगर्दैछौँ र तपाईंआफ्नोप्रतिक्रियाकासाथक्लाइमेटफरवार्डलाईआकारदिनमामद्दतगर्नसक्नुहुन्छ। सबैकालागिसुरक्षित, स्वस्थ र सम्पन्नसहरबनाउनकालागितपाईंकोइनपुटआवश्यकहुन्छ।