Spring Hill Sewer Separation Project

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Largely developed during the 19th century, Spring Hill is served by a combined sewer system that collects both wastewater and stormwater runoff in the same pipes. The City is currently working to upgrade these systems by installing new storm drains that separate stormwater from the existing combined sewer. This measure is one in a series of actions the City is undertaking to reduce water pollution, mitigate flooding, and ultimately modernize our infrastructure.

In addition to the installation of a modern, separate sewer system, the project includes:

Largely developed during the 19th century, Spring Hill is served by a combined sewer system that collects both wastewater and stormwater runoff in the same pipes. The City is currently working to upgrade these systems by installing new storm drains that separate stormwater from the existing combined sewer. This measure is one in a series of actions the City is undertaking to reduce water pollution, mitigate flooding, and ultimately modernize our infrastructure.

In addition to the installation of a modern, separate sewer system, the project includes:

If you have questions about this work, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

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Page last updated: 30 Jan 2025, 04:10 PM