Spring Hill Sewer Separation Project

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Largely developed during the 19th century, Spring Hill is served by a combined sewer system that collects both wastewater and stormwater runoff in the same pipes. The City is currently working to upgrade these systems by installing new storm drains that separate stormwater from the existing combined sewer. This measure is one in a series of actions the City is undertaking to reduce water pollution, mitigate flooding, and ultimately modernize our infrastructure.

In addition to the installation of a modern, separate sewer system, the project includes:

Largely developed during the 19th century, Spring Hill is served by a combined sewer system that collects both wastewater and stormwater runoff in the same pipes. The City is currently working to upgrade these systems by installing new storm drains that separate stormwater from the existing combined sewer. This measure is one in a series of actions the City is undertaking to reduce water pollution, mitigate flooding, and ultimately modernize our infrastructure.

In addition to the installation of a modern, separate sewer system, the project includes:

If you have questions about this work, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • Lower Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.) Streetscape Work Resumes, Thursday, 3/27

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    Beginning Thursday, March 27, (weather permitting) City contractors will start rebuilding sidewalks as well as installing a new bike lane and other traffic calming features on the odd-numbered side of Summer Street between School Street and Bow Street.

    What to Expect

    • Crews will dig up existing, aging concrete sidewalks before installing new ones--starting at School Street and moving east toward Bow Street
      • The width of sidewalks adjacent to Nunziato Park will be increased.
      • A new westbound bike lane will be installed.
      • Installation of curb bump outs at side streets will shorten the distance people need to travel to cross the street.

    Parking Reduction on Even-Numbered/South Side (Vinal Ave. to Church St.)

    • Widening the sidewalk adjacent to Nunziato Park and adding a new protected bike lane while maintaining two-way vehicle traffic will require approximately 16 parking spots to be removed on the even-numbered side of Summer Street between Church St. and Vinal Ave.
      • Removal of these parking spaces is necessary to provide sufficient space for emergency vehicles and other essential City services.
    • Parking will remain as it currently is between School Street and Church Street.

    Construction Impacts

    • Periodic street closures during work hours and parking restrictions will be in place.
      • Access will be retained for residents. Please observe posted signage.
    • Access to your entrance/driveway may be temporarily restricted on the day when new concrete is poured.
      • Additional notification will be provided prior to new concrete being poured in front of home/business.

    Final Paving Project-Wide and Substantial Project Completion Expected by End of June

    • Final paving on all remaining project streets including Central Street, lower Summer Street, School Street, Oxford Street, Hersey Street, Gibbens Street, and Cambria Street is expected to take place by June of this year.

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 x 5400.

  • Week of 3/10 - Ongoing Work and Look Ahead to Spring

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    Milder March weather is allowing crews to continue working in a limited capacity ahead of the spring season. Below is a brief overview of work currently underway and some of what you can expect come spring.

    Currently Ongoing Work

    Upcoming Work – Late March/Early April

    • Walnut Street water and sewer utility rehabilitation
      • Crews will be working to repair and replace existing sewer and water utilities on Walnut Street between Bow Street and Columbus Avenue.
        • Properties along the affected stretch will be connected to utilities via temporary bypass (somervillema.gov/bypass) to ensure they continue to receive service throughout the work.
          • Additional notification will be provided prior to properties being connected via temporary bypass.
          • Some brief interruption of water service may be required during construction (notification will be provided approximately 48 hours in advance.)

    • Lower Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.) sidewalk reconstruction continues
      • Crews are expected to resume streetscape improvements in early April beginning with sidewalk reconstruction on the north/odd-numbered side of the street.

    Final Paving Project-Wide Expected by End of June

    • Final paving on all remaining project streets including Central Street, lower Summer Street, School Street, Oxford Street, Hersey Street, Gibbens Street, and Cambria Street is expected to take place by June of this year.

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at 617-625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • Week of February 3 Update - Green Stormwater Infrastructure Installation at Summer St./Quincy St. and Summer St./Prescott St.

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    Following work at the intersection of Cambria Street and Central Street, crews will begin installing new green stormwater infrastructure near the intersections of

    • Prescott Street and Summer Street - Begins week of Feb. 3, expected duration ~3 weeks
    • Quincy Street and Summer Street - Follows completion of work at Prescott/Summer

    Crews will install a bioretention basin–a landscaped extension of the curb designed to collect, treat, and temporarily store stormwater runoff.

    What is green stormwater infrastructure?

    Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) systems help Somerville to manage stormwater by mimicking the natural environment and processes. GSI uses natural materials, including soil, plants, and stone to reduce the amount of stormwater that enters the sewer system. This helps prevent pollutants from entering nearby waterways and keeps our environment healthy.

    (Newly installed GSI on Avon Street)

    Have questions?

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 x 5400.

    Thank you

  • Work to Resume on Spring Hill - Week of 1/13

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    Starting this upcoming week City contractors will return in a reduced capacity to begin completing remaining work as weather permits.

    Winter work is expected to include:

    Construction of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) near the intersections of

    • Cambria Street at Central Street
    • Prescott Street at Summer Street
    • Quincy Street at Summer Street

    This work is expected to begin during the week of 1/13 or soon after. Work will begin on Cambria Street before proceeding to Prescott Street and then Quincy Street.

    Construction impacts include:

    • On-street parking restrictions in the immediate vicinity of work zones.
    • Periodic road closures during work hours (typically weekdays 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
      • Access will be retained for local residents at all times.
      • While work is underway on Cambria Street, the street will become temporarily 2-way from Benton Road to facilitate resident access.

    What is Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)?

    GSI uses natural materials, including soil, plants, and stone to reduce the amount of stormwater that enters the sewer system by mimicking the natural environment and infiltration processes. This helps reduce the amount of stormwater that enters the sewer system and prevents pollutants from entering nearby waterways.

    (Newly installed GSI on Avon Street)

    Rehabilitation of Water and Sewer Utilities on Walnut Street

    While not included in the initial scope of the project, further utility investigation determined that the existing sewer and water utilities along Walnut Street were in need of repair to ensure they continue to function as intended.

    This work is being prioritized and is currently expected to begin in late February.

    Additional information and resident notification will be provided prior to work beginning.

    Spring 2025 - Final Streetscape Work and Substantial Completion

    This spring crews will return in full capacity to complete final streetscape elements of the project. Substantial project completion is currently anticipated in late June 2025.

    This includes all remaining final paving throughout the area. A non-exhaustive list of remaining streetscape work is included below.

    Lower Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.)

    • Construction of new sidewalks on northern/odd-numbered side of the street
    • Addition of westbound cycle track
    • Introduction of pocket park at the intersection of Quincy Street and green stormwater infrastructure
    • Final paving of the roadway including pavement marking

    Central Street (Summer St. to Highland Avenue)

    • Replacement of current temporary asphalt on southbound (toward Summer Street) cycle track with final porous pavement.
    • Final paving of the roadway including raised crosswalks

    Other project streets

    • Final paving of the roadway on School Street, Oxford Street, Hersey, Gibbens Street, and Cambria Street.
    • Construction of speed humps on Summer Street and School Street
    • Remaining Pavement markings/paint installation project-wide including westbound Summer Street cycle track.
    • Installation of remaining signage project wide

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • Week of 12/16 - Project Update

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    Crews will work next week (12/16-12/20) on both Summer Street and Central Street, as weather allows, to complete in-progress sidewalk work and other miscellaneous construction items before performing clean-up across the project area.

    Following that crews will break for approximately 3 weeks before returning in a reduced capacity in mid-January to complete various winter work.

    Crews will return in the spring to complete final streetscape work including final paving on streets project wide.

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • Summer Street (School St. to Belmont St.) - Bike Lane and Roadway Painting - Overnight, Nov. 25-26

    Share Summer Street (School St. to Belmont St.) - Bike Lane and Roadway Painting - Overnight, Nov. 25-26 on Facebook Share Summer Street (School St. to Belmont St.) - Bike Lane and Roadway Painting - Overnight, Nov. 25-26 on Twitter Share Summer Street (School St. to Belmont St.) - Bike Lane and Roadway Painting - Overnight, Nov. 25-26 on Linkedin Email Summer Street (School St. to Belmont St.) - Bike Lane and Roadway Painting - Overnight, Nov. 25-26 link

    Update 11/25 - This work has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. Additional notification will be provided once a new date has been set.

    Next week City contractors will be painting the westbound bike lane and installing other pavement markings along Summer Street between School Street and Belmont Street.

    Work is currently scheduled to take place overnight, beginning Monday, November 25 at 8 p.m. and ending Tuesday, November 26 at 4 a.m. (weather permitting).

    Construction impacts:

    • Brief periods of elevated noise levels near work zones.
      • Crews will not remain in any one particular location for an extended period of time
    • On-street parking will be restricted in areas where pavement marking will take place.
      • Please observed posted signage.
    • Access to driveways on the westbound (odd-numbered) side of Summer Street (School St. to Belmont Street) will be restricted during work hours.
      • Affected residences will have received additional notification via flyer.
    • Temporary detours will be in place on a block-to-block basis along Summer Street.
    • Trash/recycling pick-ups and deliveries will not be affected.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience as we complete work on this section of Summer Street.

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.

    For information about work currently ongoing on lower Summer Street (School St. to Bow St.) and Central Street, please see our previous post.

  • Summer Street and Central Street Update - Week 11/18

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    Crews will continue working on streetscape restoration/improvements on both Summer Street and Central Street over the coming weeks, as weather allows, prior to breaking for the winter season.

    Summer Street (School Street to ~Spring Street)

    • Final signage and pavement markings installation - This work is currently underway and includes painting of the westbound bike (exact date of bike painting tbd).

    Summer Street (School Street to Bow Street)

    • Sidewalk construction - City contractors are continuing to work on sidewalks on the southern side (even-numbered side) of the street and have installed new concrete from approximately School Street to Quincy Street. They will continue moving eastward toward Bow Street, as weather allows.

    • Raising Castings in Roadway - Crews will raise castings (manhole covers and other in ground structures) to be flush with the current roadway surface
      • Weather permitting this work is expected to begin on Monday 11/18. Once underway we expect it will take ~2-3 days to complete.
        • Block-by-block temporary streets closures will be required during some phases of this work.
        • This work is to help facilitate snow plowing on the street over the winter.

    • Sewer, Drain, and Water Main Video Inspections - City contractors will also be performing video inspections of new underground utilities
      • This work is expected to begin 11/24 and continue up to the Thanksgiving holiday
        • Pipe inspection does not impact your water service.

    Central Street (Summer Street to Highland Avenue)

    • Crews are currently working to build the cobblestone buffer between the westside cycle track and the new sidewalks. They are also reinstalling historic bricks near the Somerville Museum.
      • This work is currently underway and expected to continue into early December.

    Construction Impacts

    • Periodic, temporary street closures where work is taking place.
      • These closures may shift from block to block during the course of a single working day.
      • Detour signage will be in place to help people navigate around the work zones
      • Access will be maintained for local residents and emergency vehicles at all times
    • Temporary on-street parking restrictions will be in place.
      • Please observe posted signage.

    On-site crews and police details are available to help and may be able to assist you in getting to/from your home while work is underway.

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • Mid-Fall Update - Week 11/4

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    Late last month, crews successfully paved Avon Street and Berkeley Street. This follows final paving on Summer Street (~School Street to Belmont Street) and Westwood Road the previous week.

    Since that point crews have been continuing sidewalk work on Central Street (Summer St. to Highland Ave.) and the southern (even-numbered) side of Summer Street (School Street to Bow Street) as well as installing new pavement marking and signage on the recently paved portion of Summer Street.

    New roadway paving and green stormwater infrastructure on Avon Street
    New center-line striping on final along Summer Street

    This work will continue over the coming weeks prior to crews breaking for the winter season.

    Spring/Summer 2025

    When crews return in the spring they will be working on northern (odd-numbered) side sidewalk reconstruction, the westbound (toward Davis Square) cycle track, raised crossings, a new floating bus stop, green stormwater infrastructure (bioretention basins), a pocket park at the corner of Quincy Street, tree planting, and final roadway paving.

    Final paving on all other remaining project streets including Central Street, School Street, Oxford Street, Hersey Street, Gibbens Street, and Cambria Street will take place in spring/summer 2025.

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at 617-625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • Monday, October 28 - Avon Street and Berkeley Street Final Paving

    Share Monday, October 28 - Avon Street and Berkeley Street Final Paving on Facebook Share Monday, October 28 - Avon Street and Berkeley Street Final Paving on Twitter Share Monday, October 28 - Avon Street and Berkeley Street Final Paving on Linkedin Email Monday, October 28 - Avon Street and Berkeley Street Final Paving link

    This upcoming week City contractors will pave Avon Street and Berkeley Street as part of the Spring Hill Sewer Separation Project.

    Schedule and Limits of Work

    Weather permitting, work is expected to take place on Monday, October 28 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

    Paving of the roadway from curb to curb along the entirety of Avon Street and Berkeley Street.

    What to Expect/Construction Impacts

    • Avon Street and Berkeley Street will be closed to traffic in both directions during work.
      • Detour signage will be in place to help people navigate around the work zones
      • Sidewalks in both directions will remain open during paving.
      • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles at all times
    • Access to driveways on Avon and Berkeley Street will be temporarily restricted while the asphalt cures/dries.
    • Temporary on-street parking restrictions will be in place.
      • Please observe posted signage.

    On-site crews and police details are available to help and may be able to assist you in getting to/from your home while work is underway. After paving is complete, crews will reopen the roadway to traffic in both directions.

    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.

  • Summer Street (~School St. to Belmont St.) Successfully Paved - What's Next?

    Share Summer Street (~School St. to Belmont St.) Successfully Paved - What's Next? on Facebook Share Summer Street (~School St. to Belmont St.) Successfully Paved - What's Next? on Twitter Share Summer Street (~School St. to Belmont St.) Successfully Paved - What's Next? on Linkedin Email Summer Street (~School St. to Belmont St.) Successfully Paved - What's Next? link

    We’re in the final stretch of the Spring Hill Sewer Separation project. Yesterday, Monday, Oct. 21 City contractors successfully paved Summer Street (~School St. to Belmont St.) and Westwood Road.

    Below is information on what you can expect over the remainder of the fall season and next spring as we wrap up the streetscape improvement phase of the project.

    What’s next for Summer Street?

    Pavement Markings and Striping

    City contractors will return to install pavement markings and striping on the paved section of roadway in the next 1-2 weeks.

    Westbound bike lane

    Later this week (expected 10/23 and 10/24), crews will be working to regrade transitions between some driveways and the bike lane along Summer Street.

    Following that work, crews will install a specialized high-friction street paint along the bike lane.. This is a critical safety item since pavement markings along the bike lane will call attention to conflict zones where driveways intersect with the bike lane.

    The bike lane will remain closed until the two items above are complete.

    Speed humps installation

    Three speed humps will also be installed along this section of Summer Street to reduce vehicle speeds.

    This work is expected to take place later this fall.

    Lower Summer Street - Bow Street to School Street

    Crews will continue working to build new sidewalks throughout the fall as weather allows.

    After breaking for the winter season, crews will return in the spring to complete the remainder of streetscape improvements and perform final paving of the roadway.

    Avon Street and Berkeley Street Paving

    Final paving of the roadway from curb-to-curb is currently scheduled for Monday, October 28.

    Additional notification will be provided as work approaches.

    Central Street

    Crews will continue to install curbing, rebuild sidewalks, and install the new cycle track on the western side of the street.

    This work will continue through the fall as weather allows. After breaking for the winter, crews will return to spring to pave the street.

    Remaining Project Streets

    Final paving on remaining project streets including Oxford Street, Hersey Street, Gibbens Street, and Cambria Street will take place in spring/summer 2025.


    If you have questions, please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400.

Page last updated: 25 Mar 2025, 03:24 PM