Pearl Street Reconstruction & Safety Improvements

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The City of Somerville will be resurfacing the roadway and sidewalks of Pearl Street between McGrath Highway and Mount Vernon Street. This project presents an opportunity to improve the experience of people traveling on Pearl Street while promoting sustainability and improving traffic safety for all users.

This project will include traffic calming interventions such as raised intersections/crosswalks, speed humps, and neighborhood traffic circles. The project will not include any utility work below the surface of the road, nor will it include new traffic signals or major network redesign such as turning Pearl St into a one-way street.

The City of Somerville will be resurfacing the roadway and sidewalks of Pearl Street between McGrath Highway and Mount Vernon Street. This project presents an opportunity to improve the experience of people traveling on Pearl Street while promoting sustainability and improving traffic safety for all users.

This project will include traffic calming interventions such as raised intersections/crosswalks, speed humps, and neighborhood traffic circles. The project will not include any utility work below the surface of the road, nor will it include new traffic signals or major network redesign such as turning Pearl St into a one-way street.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback on the proposed designs for Pearl Street. The Pearl Street Reconstruction and Safety Improvements project runs along the eastern portion of Pearl Street from McGrath Highway to Mount Vernon Street, including the section of Pearl Street adjacent to the East Somerville Community School. As part of the project, all sidewalks will be reconstructed, the road will be repaved, and traffic safety upgrades will be installed. Construction is expected to begin summer 2022. 

    For the section of Pearl Street from McGrath Highway to Cross Street, the City is proposing a speed hump in the middle of the block and a raised intersection at Cross Street. Speed humps slow traffic and reduce speeds to 10 – 15 mph. Raised intersections give priority to pedestrians by bringing the intersection up to sidewalk level, which has the added benefit of forcing vehicles to slow down as they are driving through. 

    For the section of Pearl Street from Cross Street to Franklin Street, the City is proposing placing two speed humps, a new neighborhood traffic circle at the intersection of Pearl Street and Glen Street, and a raised intersection at Franklin Street. Neighborhood traffic circles encourage drivers to slow down at key crossing locations while also providing a space to plant trees or other greenery.

    For the section of Pearl Street from Franklin Street to Mt. Vernon Street, another neighborhood traffic circle would be installed at Myrtle Street. This treatment would be paired with sidewalk bump outs to prioritize people walking and prevent vehicles from parking too close to the intersectionTwo speed humps would be placed between Florence Street and Mt. Vernon Street, one on each block.

    We now want to hear from you! Please let us know your feedback on the proposed designs. What did we get right? What did we miss? What might you want for the long-term for the street? 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Mèsi deske w pou pran tan bay fidbak ou sou desen yo pwopose pou Pearl Street. Pwojè sou rekonstriksyon Pearl Street  ap komanse nan lès Pearl Street soti McGrath Highway ale nanMount Vernon Street eoi yon pati nan Pearl Street akote East Somerville Community School. Nan kad pwojè a, tout twotwa yo pral rekonstri, wout la pral renove, epi amelyorasyon nan trafik la. Konstriksyon an ap komanse komansman ete 2022. 

    Pou seskyon ki soti nan McGrath Highway to Cross Street ki ale nan Pearl Street la, vil la pwopose yon polis kouche nan mitan blok la e yon entèseksyon nan Cross Street. Polis kouche ap ralanti trafik epi redwi vitès a 10 – 15 mph. Entèseksyon bay pyeton yo pwiyorite epi li eranfose veyikil yo ralanti lè yap kondwi nan zon rezidansyèl yo. 

    Pou seksyon ki soti nan Pearl Street ale Cross Street e Franklin Street, vil la pwopoze 2 polis kouche, yon otou di sèk nan entèseksyon nan Pearl Street ak Glen Street, epi mete yon lot entèseksyon nan Franklin Street. Kafou an sèk ap ankouraje chofè yo pou kondwi lan nan lokasyon sa epi ap gen espas pou plante pyebwa e lot plant.

    Pou seksyon ki soti nan Pearl Street pou ale nan Franklin Street e Mt. Vernon Street, yon lot kafou an sèk pral enstale nan Myrtle Street. Ap genyen twotwa pou pyeton yo e veyikil yo pap ka pake tou prè entèseksyon an. Yo ap enstale 2 polis kouche ant 2 polis kouche Florence Street a Mt. Vernon Street nan chak blok.

    Nou vle tande de ou! Tranpri fè nou konnen fidbak ou sou desen pwopose yo. Kisa nou fè byen? Kisa nou bliye pa fè? Kisa ke kapab vle alontèm pou ri an? 

    Share Sondaj sou Rekonstriksyon ak Amelyorasyon Sekirite Desen Pearl Street-(Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Facebook Share Sondaj sou Rekonstriksyon ak Amelyorasyon Sekirite Desen Pearl Street-(Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Twitter Share Sondaj sou Rekonstriksyon ak Amelyorasyon Sekirite Desen Pearl Street-(Kreyòl Ayisyen) on Linkedin Email Sondaj sou Rekonstriksyon ak Amelyorasyon Sekirite Desen Pearl Street-(Kreyòl Ayisyen) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    पर्ल स्ट्रीट  को लागि प्रस्तावित डिजाइनहरुको बारेमा आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया दिनको लागी समय दिनुभएकोमा धन्यवाद। पर्ल स्ट्रिट पुनर्निर्माण र सुरक्षा सुधार परियोजना पर्ल स्ट्रिटको पूर्वी भागमा म्याकग्राथ हाइवेदेखि माउन्ट भेर्नन स्ट्रिटसम्म चल्छ, जसमा पूर्वी समरभिल सामुदायिक विद्यालयको छेउमा रहेको पर्ल स्ट्रिटको खण्ड पनि समावेश छ। परियोजनाको एक भागको रूपमा, सबै फुटपाथहरू पुनर्निर्माण गरिनेछ, सडक मर्मत गरिनेछ, र ट्राफिक सुरक्षाको स्तरवृद्धिहरू स्थापना गरिनेछ। निर्माणकार्य २०२२ ग्रीष्मरृतु(summer)मा सुरु हुने अपेक्षा गरिएको छ। 

    म्याकग्राथ हाइवेदेखि क्रस स्ट्रिटसम्म पर्ल स्ट्रिटको खण्डको लागि, सिटीले ब्लॅाकको बीचमा स्पीड हम्प र क्रस स्ट्रिटमा उठेको चौरास्ताको प्रस्ताव गरिरहेको छ। स्पीड हम्पले ट्राफिकलाई कम गर्ने र गतिलाई 10 - 15 माइल प्रति घण्टामा घटाउँछ। माथि उठेका चौरास्ताहरूले चौरास्तालाई फुटपाथको स्तरमा ल्याएर पैदल यात्रुहरूलाई प्राथमिकता दिन्छन्, जसले सवारीसाधनलाई ढिलो गर्न बाध्य पार्ने थप फाइदा छ किनकि तिनिहरूसगाडी चलाई रहेका छन। 

    क्रस स्ट्रिटदेखि फ्र्याङ्कलिन स्ट्रिटसम्म पर्ल स्ट्रिटको खण्डको लागि, शहरले दुईवटा स्पीड हम्पहरू, पर्ल स्ट्रिट र ग्लेन स्ट्रिटको छेउमा एउटा नयाँ छिमेकी ट्राफिक चक्र र फ्र्याङ्कलिन स्ट्रिटमा उठेको चौरास्ता राख्ने प्रस्ताव गरिरहेको छ। छिमेकी ट्राफिक सर्कलहरूले ड्राइभरहरूलाई मुख्य क्रसिङ स्थानहरूमा गति कम गर्न प्रोत्साहन दिन्छन् र रूखहरू वा अन्य हरियालीहरू रोप्न ठाउँ पनि प्रदान गर्दछ।

    पर्ल स्ट्रिटको खण्डको लागि फ्र्याङ्कलिन स्ट्रिट देखि माउन्ट भेर्नन स्ट्रिट सम्म, मर्टल स्ट्रिटमा अर्को छिमेकको ट्राफिक सर्कल स्थापना गरिनेछ। पैदल हिड्नेहरूलाई प्राथमिकता दिन र सवारी साधनहरूलाई चौरास्ताको छेउमा पार्क गर्नबाट रोक्नको लागि यो उपचारलाई फुटपाथ बम्प आउटहरूसँग जोडिनेछ। फ्लोरेन्स स्ट्रिट र माउन्ट भेर्नन स्ट्रिटको बीचमा प्रत्येक ब्लकमा दुईवटा स्पीड हम्पहरू राखिनेछ।

    हामी अब तपाईबाट सुन्न चाहन्छौं! कृपया हामीलाई प्रस्तावित डिजाइनहरूको बारेमा तपाईको प्रतिक्रिया थाहा दिनुहोस्। हामीले के सही पायौं? हामीले के गुमायौं? तपाई सडकको दीर्घकालीन अवधी कोलागि के चाहानुहुन्छ?

    Share पर्ल स्ट्रीट पुनर्निर्माण र सुरक्षा सुधार डिजाइन प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण-(नेपाली) on Facebook Share पर्ल स्ट्रीट पुनर्निर्माण र सुरक्षा सुधार डिजाइन प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण-(नेपाली) on Twitter Share पर्ल स्ट्रीट पुनर्निर्माण र सुरक्षा सुधार डिजाइन प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण-(नेपाली) on Linkedin Email पर्ल स्ट्रीट पुनर्निर्माण र सुरक्षा सुधार डिजाइन प्रतिक्रिया सर्वेक्षण-(नेपाली) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Gracias por tomarte el tiempo para entregarnos tus comentarios sobre los diseños propuestos para Pearl Street. El proyecto de Mejoras en la Seguridad y Reconstrucción de Pearl Street se ejecuta a lo largo de la parte este de Pearl Street desde McGrath Highway hasta Mount Vernon Street, incluyendo el tramo de Pearl Street adyacente a la Escuela Comunitaria de East Somerville. Como parte del proyecto, todas las aceras serán reconstruidas, la vía será repavimentada, y se mejorará la seguridad vial. Se espera que la construcción empiece en el verano 2022. 

    Para el tramo de Pearl Street desde McGrath Highway hacia Cross Street, la Ciudad propone colocar un badén en medio de la cuadra y una intersección elevada en Cross Street. Los badenes disminuyen la velocidad del tráfico y reducen la velocidad a 10 – 15 mph. Las intersecciones elevadas dan prioridad a los peatones al subir la intersección al nivel de la acera, lo cual aporta el beneficio adicional de obligar a los vehículos a reducir la velocidad cuando conducen por la vía. 

    Para el tramo de Pearl Street desde Cross Street hacia Franklin Street, la Ciudad propone colocar dos badenes, una nueva rotonda en la intersección de Pearl Street con Glen Street, y una intersección elevada en Franklin Street. Las rotondas alientan a los conductores a reducir la velocidad en los cruces principales a la vez que otorgan un espacio para plantar árboles u otras plantas.

    Para el tramo de Pearl Street desde Franklin Street hacia Mt. Vernon Street, se colocaría otra rotonda en Myrtle Street. Esto se haría a la vez con aceras extendidas en el cruce para darle prioridad a las personas que caminen y para impedir que los vehículos se estacionen demasiado cerca de la intersección. Se colocarían dos badenes entre Florence Street y Mt. Vernon Street, uno en cada cuadra.

    ¡Ahora queremos saber qué opinas! Por favor deja tus comentarios sobre los diseños de la propuesta. ¿Qué hicimos bien? ¿Qué nos faltó? ¿Qué te gustaría a largo plazo para la calle? 

    Share Encuesta de Opinión sobre el Diseño de Mejoras en la Seguridad y Reconstrucción de Pearl Street-(Español) on Facebook Share Encuesta de Opinión sobre el Diseño de Mejoras en la Seguridad y Reconstrucción de Pearl Street-(Español) on Twitter Share Encuesta de Opinión sobre el Diseño de Mejoras en la Seguridad y Reconstrucción de Pearl Street-(Español) on Linkedin Email Encuesta de Opinión sobre el Diseño de Mejoras en la Seguridad y Reconstrucción de Pearl Street-(Español) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Obrigado por dedicar seu tempo para fornecer seus comentários sobre o projeto proposto para a Pearl Street. O Projeto de Reconstrução e Melhorias de Segurança da Pearl Street percorre a parte leste da Pearl Street, da McGrath Highway até a Mount Vernon Street, incluindo a seção da Pearl Street adjacente à East Somerville Community School. Como parte do projeto, todas as calçadas serão reconstruídas, a rua será repavimentada e serão instaladas melhorias de segurança no trânsito. A construção está prevista para começar no verão de 2022. 

    Para o trecho da Pearl Street que vai da McGrath Highway até a Cross Street, a cidade está propondo uma lombada no meio do quarteirão e um cruzamento elevado na Cross Street. As lombadas diminuem o tráfego e reduzem a velocidade para 10-15 mph. As interseções elevadas dão prioridade aos pedestres, elevar a interseção até o nível da calçada tem o benefício adicional de forçar os veículos a desacelerarem enquanto passam. 

    Para o trecho da Pearl Street desde a Cross Street até a Franklin Street, a Prefeitura está propondo a colocação de duas lombadas, uma nova rotatória de bairro no cruzamento da Pearl Street com a Glen Street e uma interseção elevada na Franklin Street. As rotatórias de bairro incentivam os motoristas a diminuirem a velocidade nos principais pontos de passagem, além de fornecer um espaço para plantar árvores ou outras áreas verdes.

    Para o trecho da Pearl Street desde a Franklin Street até a Mt. Vernon Street, outra rotatória de bairro seria instalada na Myrtle Street. Esse tratamento seria combinado com alargamentos nas calçadas para priorizar os pedestres e evitar que os veículos estacionem muito perto do cruzamento. Duas lombadas seriam colocadas entre a Florence Street e a Mt. Vernon Street, uma em cada quarteirão.

    Agora queremos ouvir você! Por favor, deixe-nos saber o que você pensa sobre os projetos propostos. O que acertamos? O que esquecemos? O que você pode querer a longo prazo para a rua? 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for taking the time to fill out this brief survey on Pearl St, which will help the City prioritize where to make improvements as part of the upcoming reconstruction project. Don't forget to add pins to the Public Input Map on the home page as well, which will help staff identify key locations for improvement along the corridor.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Obrigado por preencher esta breve pesquisa sobre a Pearl Street, a fim de ajudar a prefeitura a priorizar onde fazer melhorias como parte do próximo projeto de reconstrução da cidade. Não se esqueça também de adicionar pinos no Public Input Map no website, o que ajudará a equipe a identificar os principais locais para melhorias ao longo desta área.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Gracias por tomar el tiempo y completar  esta breve encuesta sobre la Calle  Pearl, que nos  ayudará  a la ciudad a  priorizar la  donde hacer mejoras como parte de la próxima reconstrucción del proyecto. No se olvide de agregar alfileres  al mapa de aporte público al inicio de  la página, ya que esto ayudará al personal a identificar las ubicaciones claves para mejorar a lo largo del corredor.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Mèsi paske ou pran tan pou ranpli sondaj tou kout sa a sou Pearl St, ki pral ede Vil la bay priyorite nan amelyorasyon ki dwe nan kad pwojè rekonstriksyon kap vini an. Pa bliye ajoute zepeng sou kat antre piblik nan paj akèy la, sa pral ede anplwaye yo idantifye kote kle pou pote amelyorasyon sou wout nou.

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Page last updated: 30 May 2024, 04:57 PM