Somerville Bicycle Network Plan
The City of Somerville developed a citywide bicycle network plan so that people of all ages and abilities can ride a bicycle to anywhere in the City safely and comfortably. The Somerville Bicycle Network Plan was developed via a one-and-a-half-year public engagement, research, and analysis process. The Plan maps out steps to expand and upgrade the current 30-mile network of bicycle facilities to a total of 88 miles that will create safe and connected routes to better protect bike riders of all ages. A total of 40 miles of bicycle improvements are designated on high-priority routes to be installed or upgraded by 2030, with the remaining miles to be completed over the full 20 years of the plan. The network includes a mix of protected bike facilities, off-street paths, and traffic-calmed backstreet “Neighborways” routes. As part of implementation, the City will hold public engagement processes before installing any facilities identified in the Plan.
Check out this website to learn more about the development of the Plan and read the full Somerville Bicycle Network Plan document.
The City of Somerville developed a citywide bicycle network plan so that people of all ages and abilities can ride a bicycle to anywhere in the City safely and comfortably. The Somerville Bicycle Network Plan was developed via a one-and-a-half-year public engagement, research, and analysis process. The Plan maps out steps to expand and upgrade the current 30-mile network of bicycle facilities to a total of 88 miles that will create safe and connected routes to better protect bike riders of all ages. A total of 40 miles of bicycle improvements are designated on high-priority routes to be installed or upgraded by 2030, with the remaining miles to be completed over the full 20 years of the plan. The network includes a mix of protected bike facilities, off-street paths, and traffic-calmed backstreet “Neighborways” routes. As part of implementation, the City will hold public engagement processes before installing any facilities identified in the Plan.
Check out this website to learn more about the development of the Plan and read the full Somerville Bicycle Network Plan document.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
We invite Somerville residents, workers, and visitors to complete this survey to inform citywide bicycle network policies. This survey will provide vital insights into current biking patterns and public priorities that will guide future planning. The Somerville Bicycle Network Plan aims to guide our design for our streets so that everybody, regardless of age and ability, can ride a bike to anywhere in the City feeling safe and comfortable.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
यो सर्वेक्षण पुरा गर्न यहाँले दिनुभएको समयको लागी धन्यवाद!
हामी समरभिलका बासिन्दाहरू, कामदारहरू, र आगन्तुकहरूलाई सिटिव्यापी साईकल सञ्जाल नीतिहरूबारे सूचित हुनका लागी यो सर्वेक्षण पूरा गर्न आमन्त्रित गर्दछौं। यस सर्वेक्षणले वर्तमान साईकल यात्राको ढाँचा र सार्वजनिक प्राथमिकताहरूका बारेमा महत्त्वपूर्ण अन्तरदृष्टि प्रदान गर्नेछ जसले भविष्यको योजनालाई मार्गदर्शन गर्नेछ। समरभिल साईकल सञ्जाल योजनाले हाम्रो सडकको डिजाइन योजनालाई मार्गदर्शन गर्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ ताकि उमेर र क्षमताको भिन्नतका वावजुद सबैले सुरक्षित र सहज महसुस गरी सिटिको जुनसुकै ठाउँमा साईकल चलाउन सकून्।
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Obrigado por dedicar seu tempo para preencher esta pesquisa!
Convidamos os moradores, trabalhadores e visitantes de Somerville a preencher esta pesquisa sobre as políticas da malha de ciclovias em toda a cidade. Esta pesquisa fornecerá informações vitais sobre os padrões atuais de ciclismo e as prioridades públicas que orientarão o planejamento futuro. O Projeto da Malha de Ciclovias de Somerville visa transformar nossas ruas para que todos, independentemente da idade e habilidade, possam andar de bicicleta para qualquer lugar da cidade de forma segura e confortável.
Share Pesquisa Sobre o Plano da Malha de Ciclovias da Prefeitura de Somerville [Portugues] on Facebook Share Pesquisa Sobre o Plano da Malha de Ciclovias da Prefeitura de Somerville [Portugues] on Twitter Share Pesquisa Sobre o Plano da Malha de Ciclovias da Prefeitura de Somerville [Portugues] on Linkedin Email Pesquisa Sobre o Plano da Malha de Ciclovias da Prefeitura de Somerville [Portugues] link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
¡Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para completar esta encuesta!
Invitamos a los residentes, trabajadores y visitantes de Somerville a completar esta encuesta para informarse de las políticas de la red de bicicletas en toda la ciudad. Esta encuesta proporcionará información vital sobre los patrones actuales de ciclismo y las prioridades públicas que guiarán la planificación futura. El Plan de la red de bicicletas de Somerville tiene como objetivo guiar el diseño de nuestras calles para que todos, independientemente de su edad y capacidad, puedan andar en bicicleta a cualquier lugar de la ciudad sintiéndose seguros y cómodos.
Share Encuesta sobre el plan de la red de bicicletas de la ciudad de Somerville [Español] on Facebook Share Encuesta sobre el plan de la red de bicicletas de la ciudad de Somerville [Español] on Twitter Share Encuesta sobre el plan de la red de bicicletas de la ciudad de Somerville [Español] on Linkedin Email Encuesta sobre el plan de la red de bicicletas de la ciudad de Somerville [Español] link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Mèsi deske w pran tan pou konplete sondaj!
Nou envite rezidan, travayè, ak vizitè pou konplete sondaj sa pou enfòme de regleman pou bisiklèt nan tout vil la. Sondaj sa ap fè nou pi byen konprann de chema pou liy yo ak pwiyorite pou piblik la. Vision pou plan pou Bisiklèt se pou gide plan pou lari yo afenke tout moun ka monte bisiklèt pou ale nenpòt kote nan vil la an sekirite epi konfòtab.
Share Sondaj sou Plan pou Bisiklèt nan Somerville [Kreyòl Ayisyen] on Facebook Share Sondaj sou Plan pou Bisiklèt nan Somerville [Kreyòl Ayisyen] on Twitter Share Sondaj sou Plan pou Bisiklèt nan Somerville [Kreyòl Ayisyen] on Linkedin Email Sondaj sou Plan pou Bisiklèt nan Somerville [Kreyòl Ayisyen] link
Who's Listening
Final Bicycle Network Plan
Somerville Bike Network Plan.pdf (59.6 MB) (pdf)
Title Pages with Acknowledgments (6.31 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary - Spanish (6.25 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary - Portuguese (6.26 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary - Haitian Creole (6.24 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary - Nepali (6.22 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary - Simplified Chinese (6.58 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary - Traditional Chinese (6.6 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary - English (6.26 MB) (pdf)
Chapter 0 - Introduction (4.33 MB) (pdf)
Chapter 1 - Bicycle Plan Goals (4.03 MB) (pdf)
Chapter 2 - Bicycling in Somerville Today (17 MB) (pdf)
Chapter 3 - Community Outreach (8.99 MB) (pdf)
Chapter 4.pdf (7.41 MB) (pdf)
Chapter 5.pdf (8.4 MB) (pdf)
Appendix A (3.73 MB) (pdf)
Appendix A1 (372 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A2 (593 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A3 (651 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A4 (343 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A5 (290 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A6 (368 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A7 (3.99 MB) (pdf)
Appendix B (8.23 MB) (pdf)
Appendix C (1.68 MB) (pdf)
Map Network Vision (4.68 MB) (png)
Network Vision Priority Map (3.97 MB) (png)
Draft Somerville Bicycle Network Plan Materials
Draft Bicycle Network Plan Executive Summaries
Executive Summary-English (3.51 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary-Portuguese (3.52 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary- Simplified Chinese (3.9 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary-Traditional Chinese (3.86 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary-Spanish (3.51 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary-Nepali (3.48 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summary-HaitianCreole (3.5 MB) (pdf)
Draft Somerville Bicycle Network Plan Appendices
Draft Bicycle Network Vision Handout July 2022
English Draft Network Vision Handout July 2022 (2.34 MB) (pdf)
Portuguese Draft Network Map Handout July 2022 (2.35 MB) (pdf)
Nepali Draft Network Map Handout July 2022 (2.37 MB) (pdf)
Haitian Kreyol Draft Network Map Handout July 2022 (2.34 MB) (pdf)
Spanish Draft Network Vision Handout July 2022 (2.35 MB) (pdf)
220623 Draft Bicycle Network Vision Community Meeting Presentation Slides (2.18 MB) (pdf)
Draft Network Vision Meetings Flyers
BNP Draft Network Meeting 2 Flyer (Haitian Kreyol) (244 KB) (pdf)
BNP Draft Network Meeting 2 Flyer (English) (245 KB) (pdf)
BNP Draft Network Meeting 2 Flyer (Portugues) (247 KB) (pdf)
BNP Draft Network Meeting 2 Flyer (Spanish) (246 KB) (pdf)
BNP Draft Network Meeting 2 Flyer (Nepali) (257 KB) (pdf)
Survey Summary Report (496 KB) (pdf)
Workshop materials
Somerville Bicycle Network Community Meeting #1 Presentation Slides.pdf (3.65 MB) (pdf)
Bike Network Meeting Flyers
Handlebar Survey Sheets (228 KB) (pdf)
Draft Bicycle Network Map June 2022 (13.2 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
October 20 2021
December 15 2021
November 30 2022
January 16 2023