Somerville Pollinator Action Plan

Between 2023-2024, Mayor Ballantyne's Division of Public Space and Urban Forestry worked with a community advisory committee and Offshoots, Inc., to develop the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan.
Our primary goal: to create more habitat for pollinators. And our community can make a difference through big and small actions. If we act together, we can respond to local and global pollinator population decline. You too can support pollinators and wildlife if you rent or own your home, like to garden or don't.
Open up the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan here to discover:
- Why pollinators are important.
- Who is here: Somerville-specific and regional pollinator species.
- What they need: Specific landscaping recommendations.
- Actions we can all take: Tips for property owners, renters, landscapers, City officials, schools, and kids (among others).
- Garden designs and plant lists.
Between 2023-2024, Mayor Ballantyne's Division of Public Space and Urban Forestry worked with a community advisory committee and Offshoots, Inc., to develop the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan.
Our primary goal: to create more habitat for pollinators. And our community can make a difference through big and small actions. If we act together, we can respond to local and global pollinator population decline. You too can support pollinators and wildlife if you rent or own your home, like to garden or don't.
Open up the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan here to discover:
- Why pollinators are important.
- Who is here: Somerville-specific and regional pollinator species.
- What they need: Specific landscaping recommendations.
- Actions we can all take: Tips for property owners, renters, landscapers, City officials, schools, and kids (among others).
- Garden designs and plant lists.
Photo Credit
Banner photo courtesy of Nick Dorian/Tufts Pollinator Initiative
2024_Final Somerville Pollinator Action Plan_small_twopageview.pdf (54.5 MB) (pdf)
2024_Final Somerville Pollinator Action Plan_small.pdf (54.9 MB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Excerpt_Plant Lists and Designs.pdf (13.2 MB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Top Plants Handout.pdf (2.52 MB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Comprehensive Plant List.xlsx (576 KB) (xlsx)
2024_Final SPAP_Appendices
2024_Final SPAP_Appendix A-Methodology.pdf (610 KB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Appendix B-Species Catalog.pdf (24.1 MB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Appendix C-Plant Associations.pdf (5.77 MB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Appendix D-Outreach.pdf (115 MB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Appendix E-Checklists.pdf (97.6 KB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Appendix F-Signs.pdf (462 KB) (pdf)
2024_Final SPAP_Appendix G-Resource Links.pdf (15.3 MB) (pdf)
City Hall Demonstration Garden
Advisory Committee Agendas
20240429_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (155 KB) (pdf)
20240108_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (154 KB) (pdf)
20230724_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (167 KB) (pdf)
20230710_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (175 KB) (pdf)
20230626_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (179 KB) (pdf)
20230605_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (180 KB) (pdf)
20230522_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (180 KB) (pdf)
20230508_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (178 KB) (pdf)
20230424_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (152 KB) (pdf)
20230410_SPAP Meeting Agenda.pdf (173 KB) (pdf)
Advisory Committee Slide Decks
20240429_SPAP Meeting 14.pdf (918 KB) (pdf)
20240108_SPAP Meeting 9.pdf (950 KB) (pdf)
20230710_SPAP Meeting 7.pdf (503 KB) (pdf)
20230626_SPAP Meeting 6.pdf (1.68 MB) (pdf)
20230605_SPAP Meeting 5_combined.pdf (9.8 MB) (pdf)
20230522_SPAP Meeting 4.pdf (2.07 MB) (pdf)
20230508_SPAP Meeting 3.pdf (1.08 MB) (pdf)
20230424_SPAP Meeting 2.pdf (629 KB) (pdf)
20230410_Kat Wyatt_SPAP Precedents Presentation.pdf (2.02 MB) (pdf)
20230410_SPAP Introductory Meeting Slides.pdf (834 KB) (pdf)
Advisory Commitee Meeting Minutes
20240520_SPAP Meeting Minutes_off week.pdf (178 KB) (pdf)
20240513_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (240 KB) (pdf)
20240429_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (135 KB) (pdf)
20240318_SPAP Meeting Minutes_off week.pdf (185 KB) (pdf)
20240311_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (221 KB) (pdf)
20240226_SPAP Meeting Minutes_off week.pdf (258 KB) (pdf)
20240212_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (276 KB) (pdf)
20240108_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (192 KB) (pdf)
20230710_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (169 KB) (pdf)
20230626_SPAP Meeting Minutes and Jamboard Prioritization.pdf (1.27 MB) (pdf)
20230605_SPAP Meeting Minutes and Jamboard Brainstorm.pdf (623 KB) (pdf)
20230522_SPAP Meeting Minutes and Jamboard Brainstorm.pdf (912 KB) (pdf)
20230508_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (222 KB) (pdf)
20230424_SPAP Meeting Minutes.pdf (263 KB) (pdf)
20230410_SPAP_Meeting Minutes.pdf (282 KB) (pdf)
Precedent Projects
2023_Easthampton_PollinatorActionPlan.pdf (84.3 MB) (pdf)
2021_Lincoln Pollinator Action Plan.pdf (29.9 MB) (pdf)
2021_Franklin County Regional Pollinator Action Plan.pdf (14.3 MB) (pdf)
2021_EU Progress Report on Pollinators Initiative.pdf (445 KB) (pdf)
2021_Tufts_PollinatorGardens_LandscapingforBiodiversityinthe21stCentury.pdf (6.29 MB) (pdf)
2020_EU Guide for Pollinator-Friendly Cities.pdf (2.22 MB) (pdf)
2019_Seattle POLLINATOR PATHWAY TOOLKIT.pdf (2 MB) (pdf)
2018_Great Barrington Pollinator Action Plan.pdf (5.48 MB) (pdf)
2016_MDAR MA Pollinator Protection Plan.pdf (1.89 MB) (pdf)
2015_Portland Pollinator Vision Plan.pdf (61.4 MB) (pdf)
2015_US Pollinator Research Action Plan.pdf (748 KB) (pdf)
Click here to play video Meet Your Neighbors - The Great Black Digger Wasp Dr. Nick Dorian introduces one of Somerville's "mascot" pollinators: the Great Black Digger Wasp. Don't worry, it's a gentle wasp!
Click here to play video Meet Your Neighbors - The Monarch Butterfly Dr. Nick Dorian introduces one of Somerville's "mascot" pollinators: the Monarch Butterfly.
Click here to play video Meet Your Neighbors - The Bi-colored Sweat Bee Dr. Nick Dorian introduces one of Somerville's "mascot" pollinators: the Bi-colored Sweat Bee.
Click here to play video Meet Your Neighbors - The Two-Spotted Bumble Bee Dr. Nick Dorian introduces one of Somerville's "mascot" pollinators: the Two-Spotted Bumble Bee.
Click here to play video Meet Your Neighbors - The Banded Longhorn Beetle Dr. Nick Dorian introduces one of Somerville's "mascot" pollinators: the Banded Longhorn Beetle.
Click here to play video Meet Your Neighbors - The Transverse Banded Flower Fly Dr. Nick Dorian introduces one of Somerville's "mascot" pollinators: the Transverse Banded Flower Fly.
Click here to play video Expert Interview - Dr. Kass Urban-Mead Video recording from a conversation with Kass Urban-Mead of the Xerces Society. The conversation centers on issues related to pollinators and urban forestry.
Click here to play video Expert Interview - Dr. Richard Primack Video recording from a conversation with Dr. Richard Primack of Boston University. This conversation centers on the impacts of climate change on pollinators.
Click here to play video Expert Interview - Dr. Susannah Lerman Video recording from a conversation with pollinator expert, Dr. Susannah Lerman. This conversation centers on residential landscapes, particularly lawns.
Click here to play video Expert Interview - Dr. Avalon Owens Video recording from a conversation with nocturnal insect expert, Avalon Owens.
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