Somerville Pollinator Action Plan

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Text that reads: "Somerville Pollinator Action Plan" with an image of a bee sitting on a goldenrod flower.

Between 2023-2024, Mayor Ballantyne's Division of Public Space and Urban Forestry worked with a community advisory committee and Offshoots, Inc., to develop the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan.

Our primary goal: to create more habitat for pollinators. And our community can make a difference through big and small actions. If we act together, we can respond to local and global pollinator population decline. You too can support pollinators and wildlife if you rent or own your home, like to garden or don't.

Open up the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan here to discover:

  • Why pollinators are important.
  • Who is here: Somerville-specific and regional pollinator species.
  • What they need: Specific landscaping recommendations.
  • Actions we can all take: Tips for property owners, renters, landscapers, City officials, schools, and kids (among others).
  • Garden designs and plant lists.

Between 2023-2024, Mayor Ballantyne's Division of Public Space and Urban Forestry worked with a community advisory committee and Offshoots, Inc., to develop the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan.

Our primary goal: to create more habitat for pollinators. And our community can make a difference through big and small actions. If we act together, we can respond to local and global pollinator population decline. You too can support pollinators and wildlife if you rent or own your home, like to garden or don't.

Open up the Somerville Pollinator Action Plan here to discover:

  • Why pollinators are important.
  • Who is here: Somerville-specific and regional pollinator species.
  • What they need: Specific landscaping recommendations.
  • Actions we can all take: Tips for property owners, renters, landscapers, City officials, schools, and kids (among others).
  • Garden designs and plant lists.

Page last updated: 20 Nov 2024, 02:03 PM