Highland Avenue Redesign Project

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The Mayor and the City Council have both endorsed the community-led vision for a Highland Avenue that includes protected bicycle lanes, pedestrian safety measures, and MBTA bus improvements. As part of the City’s Bicycle Network Plan, Highland Ave is designated for two-way protected facilities by 2030.

While these changes necessitate a reduction in parking, the City is committed to engaging community members to better understand needs in the area and develop strategies for effectively managing shared parking resources. Particular attention will be focused on effective loading zones, pick-up and drop off locations, and accommodating persons with disabilities using all modes of transportation.

The Highland Avenue Redesign follows the completion of the Spring Hill Sewer Separation project to upgrade underground water, sewer and utility infrastructure along the street. The redesign includes sidewalk and roadway surface improvements from Cutter Avenue to Hamlet Street.

Somerville’s Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Investment Plan (FY2023 CIP), presented to the City Council in March 2023, includes design and outreach funding for Highland Avenue available as soon as July 2025, and construction services funding starting July 2026.

The Mayor and the City Council have both endorsed the community-led vision for a Highland Avenue that includes protected bicycle lanes, pedestrian safety measures, and MBTA bus improvements. As part of the City’s Bicycle Network Plan, Highland Ave is designated for two-way protected facilities by 2030.

While these changes necessitate a reduction in parking, the City is committed to engaging community members to better understand needs in the area and develop strategies for effectively managing shared parking resources. Particular attention will be focused on effective loading zones, pick-up and drop off locations, and accommodating persons with disabilities using all modes of transportation.

The Highland Avenue Redesign follows the completion of the Spring Hill Sewer Separation project to upgrade underground water, sewer and utility infrastructure along the street. The redesign includes sidewalk and roadway surface improvements from Cutter Avenue to Hamlet Street.

Somerville’s Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Investment Plan (FY2023 CIP), presented to the City Council in March 2023, includes design and outreach funding for Highland Avenue available as soon as July 2025, and construction services funding starting July 2026.

  • Thank you for taking the time to take the Highland Ave Redesign Survey.  The City is reconstructing the street to create an improved Highland Ave with pedestrian safety measures, MBTA bus improvements, and protected bicycle lanes. To reach this vision, City staff are looking at how to more efficiently use curb space to make it safer and easier for people traveling Highland Ave by any mode. We also want to learn more about how people use the street today and improvements they would like to see. The information you share will help the City prioritize improvements and develop design concepts for the street.

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  • Obrigado por responder a pesquisa de redesenho da Highland Ave. A prefeitura está reconstruindo a rua para criar uma nova Highland Ave, com medidas de segurança para pedestres, melhorias nas linhas de ônibus MBTA e ciclovias protegidas. Para alcançar essa visão, a equipe da cidade está procurando como usar o espaço do meio-fio com mais eficiência para torná-lo mais seguro e fácil para as pessoas que transitam pela Highland Ave através de qualquer meio de transporte. Também queremos saber mais sobre como as pessoas usam a rua hoje e as melhorias que gostariam de ver no futuro. As informações que você compartilhar ajudarão a cidade a priorizar melhorias e desenvolver conceitos de design para a rua.   

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  • Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para responder a la Encuesta sobre el Nuevo Diseño de Highland Avenue. La Ciudad está reconstruyendo la calle para crear una Highland Avenue mejorada con medidas de protección para los peatones, mejoras en los buses del MBTA (Departamento de Transporte de la Bahía de Massachusetts por sus siglas en inglés), y carriles protegidos para bicicletas. Para alcanzar esta visión, el personal de la Ciudad está investigando cómo utilizar más eficientemente los espacios al borde de las aceras para que resulte más seguro y más fácil para las personas que transiten por Highland Avenue usando cualquier medio de transporte. También queremos obtener más información sobre la manera como las personas están usando la calle en la actualidad y sobre las mejoras que les gustaría ver. La información que comparta ayudará a la Ciudad para que priorice las mejoras y desarrolle conceptos de diseño para la calle.

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  • Mèsi dèske ou ap pran tan pou fè sondaj pou refè.  Vil la ap rekonstri ri yo pou amelyore Highland Ave ak sekirite pyeton yo bis MBTA, liy pou bisiklèt. Pou reyalize visyon an, staff nan meri a ap chache pou itilize plis espas yo pou fè l pi an sekirite e pi fasil pou moun vwayaje nan Highland Ave. Nou vle egalman konnen plis de fason ke moun itilize lari a jodia e amelyorasyon yo ta renmen wè. Enfòmasyon ke ou pataje a pral ede vil la pwiyotize enprovman epi devlope design pou lari a.

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  • हाईल्याण्ड एभिन्यू रिडिजाइन सर्वेक्षणको लागी समय निकाल्नु भएकोमा धन्यवाद। सिटिले पैदल यात्रीहरुको लागी सुरक्षित उपायहरू, एमबिटिए(MBTA) बसमा सुधारहरू, र सुरक्षित साइकल लेनहरू सहित एक सुधारिएको हाईल्याण्ड एभेन्यू सिर्जना गर्न सडकको पुनर्निर्माण गर्दैछ। यस लक्ष्य सम्म पुग्नका लागि, सिटिका कर्मचारीहरूले कुनै पनि प्रकारबाट हाइल्यान्ड एभ यात्रा गर्ने मानिसहरूलाई सुरक्षित र सजिलो बनाउन कर्ब स्पेसलाई कसरी अझ कुशलतापूर्वक प्रयोग गर्ने भनेर हेरिरहेका छन्। हामी मानिसहरूले आज सडक कसरी प्रयोग गर्छन् र उनीहरूले कस्तो सुधारहरू हेर्न चाहेका छन् भन्ने बारेमा पनि जान्न चाहन्छौं। तपाईले दिनुभएको जानकारीले शहरलाई सुधारहरूमा प्राथमिकता दिन र सडकको डिजाइनका अवधारणाहरू विकास गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ।

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Page last updated: 13 Jun 2024, 11:29 AM