Tufts Street Reconstruction
The City of Somerville is planning to reconstruct sidewalks and repave Tufts Street between Cross Street and Washington Street as part of the City's Pavement and Sidewalk Management Program. In this effort, we are taking the opportunity to explore a new design that makes it safer and more comfortable for people walking, rolling, biking, or driving. Tufts Street is a residential street and serves as an important connection to the new East Somerville Green Line Station. Tufts Street is designated as a Neighborways on the Somerville Bicycle Network Plan.
In the Summer and early Fall of 2023, we reached out to community members to gather input on transportation safety concerns and ways to improve the street. In the late Fall of 2023, we shared a conceptual design with community members to hear feedback. Over the winter and spring, the City’s consultants are refining the design to then share with the community a proposed 80 percent design in the Summer of 2024 and a 100% design in the fall of 2024. Street construction is anticipated to take place between 2025 and 2026. Learn more about the project on this website and subscribe to the Mobility Newsletter for email updates on upcoming public meetings, street pop-up community engagement events, and feedback surveys.
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Public Input Map
The City of Somerville needs your input for the Tufts Street Reconstruction project.
Writing your comments on this map will let the City’s project team know what you see as issues and opportunities in the project area. Use the pins to highlight locations that you think it is important for staff to prioritize for changes or improvements, as well as locations that are currently working well. Once you add a pin, you can also include comments and images to highlight specific priorities or concerns.
Click on the marker button (+) to start adding pins. Note that the project area is outlined in orange.