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As part of the City’s Pavement and Sidewalk Management program, the Cityplans to reconstruct sidewalks and repave Pearl Street from McGrath Highway to Medford Street.Since 2015, the City has taken a data driven approach to analyze street and sidewalk quality and prioritize locations rooted in equity, safety, and accessibility for this program. With the opportunity to reconstruct the street, the City aims to increase safety, improve accessibility, incorporate more sustainability, and create a more comfortable street. We aim to do this by:
Reconstructing all the sidewalks along Pearl Street from Medford Street to McGrath Highway,Continue reading
As part of the City’s Pavement and Sidewalk Management program, the Cityplans to reconstruct sidewalks and repave Pearl Street from McGrath Highway to Medford Street.Since 2015, the City has taken a data driven approach to analyze street and sidewalk quality and prioritize locations rooted in equity, safety, and accessibility for this program. With the opportunity to reconstruct the street, the City aims to increase safety, improve accessibility, incorporate more sustainability, and create a more comfortable street. We aim to do this by:
Reconstructing all the sidewalks along Pearl Street from Medford Street to McGrath Highway, along with approximately 20 feet into intersecting streets
Repaving the street from sidewalk curb to sidewalk curb
Adding accessible curb ramps to all existing crosswalks
Exploring opportunities for new crossings in addition to installing safety improvements like raised crosswalks/intersection or curb extensions
Identifying locations for new trees, replacing tree stumps, and considering tree bump outs or expanding the tree wells to support tree longevity
Installing protected bicycle facilities
Incorporating “Clear Corners” at each intersection to increase the visibility for people driving turning or moving through the intersections
This segment of Pearl Street is designatedfor two-way protected bicycle facilities in the Somerville Bicycle Network Plan and codified in the Safe Streets Ordinance. Pearl Street is narrow enough that implementing two-way protected bike lanes would require removing all existing parking on the street.This narrow width could also limit the ability to shorten crossing distances with curb extensions, expand the sidewalk to provide more space for people walking and rolling, and provide curb access for activities like deliveries or some residential parking.
With these potential significant trade-offs, we want to facilitate a robust community engagement process to better understand the community’s needs for the street andexplore options. These options may include providing one direction of protected bike facility on Pearl Street and using a different neighborhood street to serve the other direction. Another option may be to consider one-way motor vehicle travel on Pearl Street in order to achieve other community goals for the street.
From October through November 2024, we aim to gather your feedback on transportation safety concerns you have for the street and your priorities for the future. Over the winter, we will work on a concept design shaped by the feedback we heard in addition to analysis of data we aim to collect such as vehicle speed, vehicle volume, and parking utilization. In Spring 2025, we aim to publish a concept design and conduct another round of community engagement. Over the summer, we will work to refine the design to bring an updated version in Fall 2025 for more community input. We will then work to finalize the design to prepare for construction between 2026 and 2027.
To learn more about the project and keep up to date, please check out the information below and the materials in the toolbar.
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