Holland St & College Ave Mobility Improvements

This year, the City will be resurfacing the roadways and sidewalks of Holland Street from Davis Square to Teele Square, and of College Avenue, from Davis Square to Power House Circle. This project presents an opportunity to reconsider the surface roadway configuration and pavement markings in line with the City’s transportation goals to promote sustainable, multi-modal transportation and improve traffic safety for all users.
This year, the City will be resurfacing the roadways and sidewalks of Holland Street from Davis Square to Teele Square, and of College Avenue, from Davis Square to Power House Circle. This project presents an opportunity to reconsider the surface roadway configuration and pavement markings in line with the City’s transportation goals to promote sustainable, multi-modal transportation and improve traffic safety for all users.
Overview of College Ave Mobility Improvements and Curbside Changes 2022
Share Overview of College Ave Mobility Improvements and Curbside Changes 2022 on Facebook Share Overview of College Ave Mobility Improvements and Curbside Changes 2022 on Twitter Share Overview of College Ave Mobility Improvements and Curbside Changes 2022 on Linkedin Email Overview of College Ave Mobility Improvements and Curbside Changes 2022 linkCity contractors will repave College Ave from Winslow Ave to Powder House Circle this summer. The City will also install new pavement markings and parking regulation changes from Davis Square to Powder House Circle, and add additional parking meters and new loading spaces on some side streets. These changes include a bus & bike lane on the westside of College Ave from Morrison Ave to Davis Square, a bike lane outbound from Davis Square, speed humps, and new crosswalks.
Los contratistas de la ciudad repavimentarán este verano College Avenue desde Winslow Avenue hasta Powder House Circle La Ciudad también instalará nuevas marcas en el pavimento y cambios en las regulaciones de estacionamiento desde Davis Square hasta Powder House Circle, y agregará parquímetros adicionales y nuevos espacios de carga en algunas calles laterales. Estos cambios incluyen un carril para bicicletas y autobuses en el lado oeste de College Avenue desde Morrison Avenue hasta Davis Square, un carril para bicicletas que sale de Davis Square, lomos de velocidad y nuevos cruces peatonales.
Empresas contratadas pela Cidade repavimentarão a College Ave da Winslow Ave até Powder House Circle neste verão. A Cidade também instalará sinalizações no pavimento e alterações nas regras de estacionamento da Davis Square até Powder House Circle e adicionará parquímetros e novos espaços para carga e descarga em algumas ruas laterais. Essas alterações incluem uma faixa de ônibus e de bicicleta no lado leste da College Ave da Morrison Ave até a Davis Square, uma faixa para bicicleta da Davis Square para outras regiões, lombadas e novas faixas de pedestres.
Kontraktè vil yo pral repave College Ave soti nan Winslow Ave rive nan Powder House Circle ete sa a. Vil la pral enstale tou nouvo mak sou pave yo epi chanje règleman pakin soti nan Davis Square pou rive nan Powder House Circle, epi ajoute kontè pakin adisyonèl ak nouvo espas pou chajman nan kèk lari bò kote yo. Chanjman sa yo gen ladan yon liy otobis ak bisiklèt dedye sou bò lwès College Ave soti nan Morrison Ave rive nan Davis Square, yon liy bisiklèt soti nan Davis Square, ralantisè vitès, ak nouvo pasaj pou pyeton.
सिटिका ठेकेदारहरूले यस गर्मीमा विन्स्लो एभिन्युबाट पाउडर हाउसको सर्कलसम्म कलेज एभिन्युलाई पुन: निर्माण गर्नेछन्। सिटीले डेभिस स्क्वायरबाट पाउडर हाउस सर्कलसम्म नयाँ फुटपाथ र पार्किङ नियम परिवर्तनका चिन्हहरू स्थपित गर्नेछन्, र अतिरिक्त पार्किङ मिटरहरू र केही साइड सडकहरूमा नयाँ ढुवाँनी स्थलहरू थप्नेछन्। यी परिवर्तनहरूमा मोरिसन एभिन्युबाट डेभिस स्क्वायरसम्म कलेज एभिन्युको पश्चिम तर्फ बस र साईकल लेन, डेभिस स्क्वायरबाट बाहिर जाने साईकल लेन, गति कम गर्ने उठेका भागहरु र बाट। काट्ने नयाँ स्थलहरू समावेश छन्।
Overview of New Street Design
Overview of Parking Changes
Overview of Parking Mitigation Changes
College Ave Resurfacing Updates 2022
Share College Ave Resurfacing Updates 2022 on Facebook Share College Ave Resurfacing Updates 2022 on Twitter Share College Ave Resurfacing Updates 2022 on Linkedin Email College Ave Resurfacing Updates 2022 linkWeather permitting, City contractors will resurface College Ave. from Davis Square to Powder House Circle in the coming weeks.
Anticipated Schedule (subject to change):
May 31 - June 3: Milling the roadway, then raising cast iron structures in the street
June 6 - 10: Paving
Work hours are approximately between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Pavement markings are expected to be installed later in June.
Anticipated Impacts:
Parking restrictions and periodic road closures will be required during work hours.
Some adjacent one-way streets will temporarily support two-way traffic during work hours.
MBTA bus routes 89, 94, & 96 Inbound & Outbound will offer modified service. For details, go to mbta.com/bus.
Please email construction@somervillema.gov or call the Engineering Division at (617) 625-6600 ext. 5400 with questions.
Spring 2022 Construction Beginning on Holland Street and College Ave
Share Spring 2022 Construction Beginning on Holland Street and College Ave on Facebook Share Spring 2022 Construction Beginning on Holland Street and College Ave on Twitter Share Spring 2022 Construction Beginning on Holland Street and College Ave on Linkedin Email Spring 2022 Construction Beginning on Holland Street and College Ave linkAs part of the City’s Pavement and Sidewalk Management Program, city contractors will reconstruct a portion of Holland Street sidewalks and pavement. This work is in addition to completing work on College Ave this year.
Beginning this spring, city contractors will begin rebuilding sidewalks on Holland Street from Simpson Avenue to Claremon Street. When sidewalks are completed later this year, the roadway will be repaved from Simpson Avenue to Claremon Street. Construction work will primarily take place on weekdays from 7:00am to 3:00pm.
Safety improvements include pedestrian refuge islands at Cameron Avenue complimented by a floating bus stop, a new raised crosswalk and curb extension at Paulina Street, and raised crosswalks at Hodgkins-Curtin Park entrance and Winter Street.
Later this spring, College Ave will be repaved to complete work that began in Summer 2021. To learn more about this project, check out the College Ave Mobility Improvements StoryMap.
If you have questions regarding construction, please email Jesse Moos at construction@somervillema.gov or call at 617.981.2896.
You can also sign up for City Alerts to get updates via email, phone, or text.
Construction Begins on College Ave; Street Design Posted
Share Construction Begins on College Ave; Street Design Posted on Facebook Share Construction Begins on College Ave; Street Design Posted on Twitter Share Construction Begins on College Ave; Street Design Posted on Linkedin Email Construction Begins on College Ave; Street Design Posted linkConstruction has now begun on College Ave new Powder House Circle and will proceed toward Davis Square over the course of the summer and fall. You will see sidewalks being rebuilt and curbs being reset, and there will be pedestrian detours and parking restrictions to accommodate this work. You can sign up for a weekly digest of updates on construction in the City of Somerville at this link and you can email construction related concerns and questions to construction@somervillema.gov.
A StoryMap has been posted detailing the College Avenue street design here: https://bit.ly/CollegeAveProject. Now that the design has been finalized, the Mobility Division will seek final approval from the Traffic Commission for the curbside regulation changes needed to implement these improvements as well as for the parking mitigation plan.
Work is expected to be completed later this year or early in 2022. Construction will then proceed to Holland Street.
Third Community Meeting 12/9 & Proposed Final Design
Share Third Community Meeting 12/9 & Proposed Final Design on Facebook Share Third Community Meeting 12/9 & Proposed Final Design on Twitter Share Third Community Meeting 12/9 & Proposed Final Design on Linkedin Email Third Community Meeting 12/9 & Proposed Final Design linkMayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 6 Councilor Lance Davis, and Ward 7 Councilor Katjana Ballantyne invite you to attend the third virtual community meeting about the Holland Street and College Avenue Mobility Improvements project on Wednesday, December 9, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will take place on the GoToMeeting webinar platform. Register to attend at bit.ly/HollandCollegeMeeting3.
At this meeting, staff will review the design and community process to date, present the proposed final design for each roadway, and discuss the phased project implementation plan. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and respond to the presentation material. Staff will also review a parking management strategy and a phased project implementation plan that seeks to mitigate potential small business impacts.
The images in this article detail the proposed final design - please click on the headline to view the full article with all images included.
The first image below provide an overview of the facilities provide along each side of the street. The locations of different types of bus and bike lanes are included as well as all of the locations where parking will remain. Pedestrian safety and crossing improvements are also highlighted.
The next image below provides more detail about bike facilities and bike connections between squares and between the two sections of the community path. The city is proposing to allow contraflow bicycling on Wallace St and Park Ave to provide lower stress alternatives to bicycling on Holland St and College Ave. These facilities will include marked bike lanes at the entrances and exits, as well as additional signs, flex posts, pavement markings to alert people driving. In addition, the city will be exploring the potential for installing advisory bike lanes Buena Vista Rd to provide a lower stress connection to the community path.
The next image details the locations of pedestrian and transit improvements, including existing and new crosswalks, bump outs, in-lane bus stops, and bus stop changes.
The last two images detail parking changes. The first image shows where parking will remain as it exists today, where it will be restricted during just three hours of the day, and where it will no longer be permitted. The second image details a parking management strategy including new parking meters, shorter term regulations, accessible parking spaces, and additional loading/pickup/dropoff zones to more efficiently serve a greater number of users and reduce the impacts of parking spaces that will be repurposed.
Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting August 13, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements
Share Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting August 13, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements on Facebook Share Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting August 13, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements on Twitter Share Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting August 13, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements on Linkedin Email Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting August 13, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements linkHolland St., College Ave. to undergo mobility, roadway improvements in 2021
Join the City of Somerville, Ward 6 Councilor Lance Davis, and Ward 7 Councilor Katjana Ballantyne for a community meeting on Thursday, August 13, to discuss planned improvements to Holland St. and College Ave.
While the sidewalk and pavement maintenance on Holland St and College Ave has been deferred until Spring 2021 due to the COVID-19 crisis, the design process for mobility improvements has continued.
At this webinar-style virtual meeting, staff will briefly summarize the information presented at the last meeting, review the feedback that has been collected to date, and present a conceptual street design for each corridor.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and respond to the presentation material via live chat.
Meeting link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3409700315414795275
For more information or if you have any questions, visit https://somervoice.somervillema.gov/hollandandcollege or email transportation@somervillema.gov.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s Director of Human Services, Nancy Bacci, at 617-625-6600 x2250 or NBacci@somervillema.gov.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkThank you to everyone who has participated so far in the community process for the Holland St & College Ave Mobility Improvements project. After holding a public meeting in February with more than 80 people in attendance, we have received more than 200 responses to the Street Design Survey and more than 140 pins and comments have been placed on the Public Input Map. This input has been an invaluable resource for city staff and has helped shape many aspects of the street design.
This update is intended to provide some important information about the status of this project:
Due to the acute and still uncertain financial impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, the City has been in the process of reducing spending, considering deferring projects, and reevaluating the operating budget and capital investment plan. Based on this reevaluation, accounting for potential cash flow limitations, and in light of the practical reality that the bidding of this project was delayed at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, a decision has been made to defer the implementation of the Holland St & College Ave Mobility Improvements project to the 2021 construction season. This revised schedule is contingent on a better understanding of the City’s financial condition as the health crisis continues to unfold, and is subject to change.
As a part of an Eversource gas main and service replacement project, there is visible construction currently happening on Holland St. This work is not a part of the city's resurfacing project, but must be completed before resurfacing can begin. More information on this project and how Eversource will be working to protect the health of employees, customers, and the general public, and avoid the spread of coronavirus, can be found here: https://www.somervillema.gov/sites/default/files/holland-st-letters.pdf
Design work on this project continues as planned and will still be finalized this year through the community process. A public meeting to present the design will take place virtually this summer, with the specific date and time to be announced. City staff will present in a webinar style format and hold a question and answer session. The results of the Street Design Survey and Public Input Map will be presented, along with the proposed street designs for Holland St and College Ave.
Although this news is disappointing to us all, we thank you for your support and continued involvement in this project. More information will be made available here on the SomerVoice project page as soon as possible.
Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting Feb. 24, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements
Share Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting Feb. 24, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements on Facebook Share Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting Feb. 24, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements on Twitter Share Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting Feb. 24, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements on Linkedin Email Holland Street, College Avenue Community Meeting Feb. 24, to Discuss Upcoming Improvements linkHolland St., College Ave. to undergo mobility, roadway improvements in 2020
Join the City of Somerville, Ward 6 Councilor Lance Davis, and Ward 7 Councilor Katjana Ballantyne for a community meeting on Monday, February 24, to discuss planned improvements to Holland St. and College Ave. The meeting will be held in the Atrium Room of the Tufts Administration Building, 167 Holland St., from 6:30 to 8 p.m. City staff will introduce the purpose and scope of this project, provide existing conditions data, and present concepts for potential roadway improvements to support sustainable, multi-modal transportation and improve traffic safety. Community members are invited to provide input about the conceptual designs and priority locations for different types of improvements.
Plans for the project include resurfacing the roadways and sidewalks on Holland St. (from Davis Square to Teele Square) and College Ave. (from Davis Square to Powder House Circle).
For more information or if you have any questions, visit https://somervoice.somervillema.gov/hollandandcollege or email transportation@somervillema.gov.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s Director of Human Services, Nancy Bacci, at 617-625-6600 x2250 or NBacci@somervillema.gov.
Who's listening
Email rwright@somervillema.gov -
Construction Public Information Officer
NAEmail nalakel@somervillema.gov -
Phone 617-981-2896 Email jmoos@somervillema.gov
Holland St Loading Zone Review for Feb 2024 Traffic Commission Meeting (973 KB) (pdf)
Final Safety Proposal - October 13 2022 Traffic Commission Meeting Holland St Design (6.67 MB) (pdf)
Safety Proposal - October 6, 2022 Traffic Commission Items for Holland St (6.68 MB) (pdf)
Draft Safety Proposal - September 21, 2022 Traffic Commission Meeting - Holland St Presentation Slides (6.77 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting 3 - Presentation (1.52 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting 3 - Video Recording
Holland & W. Broadway MAPC Parking Study (10.4 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting 2 - Presentation (4.46 MB) (pdf)
Public Meeting 2 - Video Recording
Street Intercept Surveys
Street Design Survey Results.pdf (473 KB) (pdf)
Public Meeting 1 - Presentation (5.15 MB) (pdf)
College Ave Paving Detour Map (325 KB) (pdf)
July 2022 Mobility Traffic Commission Items (1.95 MB) (pdf)
Holland Ave Design Changes Translated Text (381 KB) (pdf)